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Crysis 3 System Requirements

If you are looking to play the third installment in the Crysis series, then you’ll need to know the most important question of all – can I run it on my PC?

With an action-packed game like this, any lags in performance have the potential to ruin the whole gaming experience. 

We’ll be laying out exactly what’s required of this game, both the minimum and recommended specs so you can decide whether to start playing the game. 

Crysis 3 Game Details

First-person shooter game, Crysis 3 is the latest installment in the Crysis series. Like any first-person shooter game, it promises a lot of action and fast-paced gameplay. 

The story centers around Prophet, a Nanosuit holder who is bent on taking revenge against the Alpha Ceph – the leader of the Ceph alien race.

Crysis 3 promises more action than its predecessors, with new Nanosuit abilities including the “Rip and Throw”, which is a compound bow and hacking feature. This lets players hack into enemy equipment including security defenses and drones – a handy tool to get close to the leader of the Ceph. You’ll also take advantage of the excellent weapon options and customization, alongside the gameplay itself which features great-looking menus, visuals, and a multiplayer option.

The setting is in post-apocalyptic New York City but the game also introduces “Seven Wonders”, which are wonders with their own unique landscapes and tactical layouts for you to explore. 

Crysis 3 Minimum System Requirements

  • Operating System – Windows Vista 32-bit
  • Processor – Intel Pentium Dual-Core E6600 3.06GHz or AMD Athlon II X2 260 
  • Video – NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 or AMD Radeon HD 6450
  • Memory – 2 GB RAM
  • Storage – 20 GB available HD space

Crysis 3 Recommended System Requirements

  • Operating System – Windows 7 64-bit
  • Processor – Intel Core i3-2120T 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4810
  • Video – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 7750
  • Memory – 4 GB RAM
  • Storage – 20 GB available HD space

Recommended Hardware 

As you can see from both the minimum and recommended requirements above, you won’t need a high powered machine. As this game was released a number of years ago the requirements are quite minimal to run this game. This is good news for those who’d rather not invest in more tech components. 

If you are shopping around for new hardware, then we would recommend a budget build in order to run this game. Although, the better hardware you have the better of course as this means you’ll have the flexibility to run more demanding games on your system. 

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