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5 Best Fighting Games in 2020

If you love the intense action that fighting games bring out then you probably already know which is your favorite title. If you are looking for something new to try out or simply want to see what else is out there, keep reading to see learn what we consider the 5 best fighting games available to buy in 2020. 

The Best Games Of 2020: 10 Games We’re Looking Forward To The Most

Take a look at our top picks for the best games of 2020 across PC, Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. Did your favorites make the list? Click below to find out!

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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

Release Date – September 19, 2017

Developer – Capcom

Publisher – Capcom 

When growing up, we’d always get into countless conversations on who would win, Batman or Superman? Spiderman or the Hulk? With Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite, we can play around and start to answer some of these questions ourselves. 

With the addition of the Infinity Stones to this title, you can now diversify your strategy and fighting style even more when compared to previous games. In the 2v2 fighter modes, the choice of your teammate could be the thing that helps swing the battle in your favour. 

Playable characters include Black Panther, Captain America, Thanos, Chun-Li, Ryu and Nemesis. 

Street Fighter V

Release Date – February 16, 2016

Developer – Capcom, Dimps

Publisher – Capcom 

One of the best fighting game series out there, Street Fighter is synonymous with the fighting genre in general. Street Fighter is now up to its fifth instalment in the main series. This is a tough fighter to master and is often considered one of the more technical games on the market. 

If you’ve played other Street Fighter titles you’ll feel right at home here, while the visuals have had a bit of a touchup, the core gameplay feels the same. Fan-favourite characters such as Cammy, Ken, Ryu, Vega, Kage and Sagat are all playable in this title. 

Tekken 7

Release Date – June 2, 2017

Developer – Bandai Namco Studios

Publisher – Bandai Namco Entertainment 

Tekken 7
Tekken 7 – Rematch Edition
Tekken 7 – Ultimate Edition
Tekken 7 – Season Pass
Tekken 7 – Season Pass 2
Tekken 7 – Season Pass 3

Now onto its 7th instalment, the Tekken franchise has once again proven that it is still one of the greatest 3D fighting games. With game modes for new players and veterans alike, the fluid combat and large cast of characters are enough to keep you playing for years to come. 

Some of the characters you can look forward to playing in Tekken 7 include Heihachi, Hwoarang, King, Feng Wei and Yoshimitsu.

Mortal Kombat 11

Release Date – Windows, PS4, Xbox One – April 23 2019, Nintendo Switch – April 23 2019, Stadia – November 19 2019

Developer – NetherRealm Studios

Publisher – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment 

Mortal Kombat 11
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Kollection
Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath + Kombat Pack Bundle

If you want your fighting games mixed with a healthy dose of gore, Mortal Kombat has always been the way to go. The action here is both fast-paced and gory. With bones breaking, heads exploding and fan-favourite Fatalities as brutal as ever, Mortal Kombat 11 feels like the definitive Mortal Kombat game.

You can still take control of your favourite characters that have appeared in previous games such as Jade, Liu Kang, Raiden, Sub-Zero and Scorpion as well as new arrivals Geras, Killector and Cetrion. You can even play as guest fighters like The Terminator, The Joker, Spawn and The Batman Who Laughs.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Release Date – December 7, 2018

Developer – Bandai Namco Studios, Sora Ltd.

Publisher – Nintendo 

While this could have easily made it onto our party games list, Super Smash Bros has been a staple of local multiplayer fighting games since its initial release back in 1999. 

This cartoon-style fighting game is more complex than it looks however, the wide range of characters, items, move sets and stages leads to more than just a rock-paper-scissors combat system. 

With a large range of characters to choose from, players will be able to take to the stage with almost any of their favourite Nintendo characters that come to mind. The possibilities are endless, fans of the Pokemon series will be pleased to know there are more pokemon than ever included in this title. 

Final Word

We hope that you enjoyed reading our list of some of the top fighting games. If you’re already a fan of the genre you’ll find that a lot of your skills will easily transfer to other titles. While some of these games are more difficult than others, they are a great way to test yourself against friends. 

Have we missed anything off our list? If you think there’s a title that deserves to be added then please let us know down in the comments section below. 

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