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8-Minute Gameplay Trailer for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope Drops

The developer behind Until Dawn, Supermassive Games, has revealed a new trailer for the next installment in the Dark Pictures Anthology.

Horror title Dark Pictures: Little Hope follows four college students and their professors who are trapped in the abandoned town of Little Hope. This mysterious town has been left haunted by the 17th century Andover Witch Trials. From the trailer, it looks just as creepy as you might expect.

What Does the Gameplay Trailer Show?

The gameplay trailer starts the story off at 11.49pm and introduces us to several characters as they leave the Black Cat Bar. You’ll play as Andrew, whose first objective is to “keep up with John and the others”. That turns out to be harder than it sounds though, especially as you are currently stuck in a secluded wooded area, trapped by a mysterious fog.

Andrew and Angela quickly lose sight of the others and are forced to explore the woods alone – or perhaps not as alone as they think. They soon come across a series of strange wooden models and a creepy girl waiting for them. Just a warning for the faint of heart, there’s a bit of a jump scare in the trailer!

While the gameplay trailer isn’t exactly action-packed, it definitely sets the tone well. You also get a glimpse of some of the interaction choices, voice acting from actor Will Poulter (Midsommar, Detroit, The Revenant) and some of the strange clues you’ll get to investigate.

When Will Dark Pictures: Little Hope Arrive?

The launch date of Little Hope was recently pushed back by Supermassive Games. It was originally set to release this summer, but it looks like we’ll finally see it in autumn. This is due to the difficulties of managing a remote development team while the studio remains closed.

Pete Samuels, the Supermassive Games boss said in a statement:

It rests with me to make the unfortunate announcement that Little Hope will be delayed past the summer release already announced, now targeting fall 2020. Our priority has been to keep people safe, and that includes actors and stage crews on whose talents we depend so heavily, other workforces external to our business who all help to create the games we make, and all of the talented people that work within our studio.”

Dark Pictures: Little Hope will arrive on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC sometime this Autumn.

What did you think of the gameplay trailer? Is this a title you’re looking to pick up when it’s released? Let us know in the comments section below.

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