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AirTab 15.6 Touchscreen Monitor Crowdfunding Goal Met Within 1 Hour

The beauty of modern laptops is that you can just pick up everything you need and take it whenever you want. But with a lot of laptops, their weight and size can be a problem.

With the size and weight of laptops being a common problem, the people behind the AirTab are looking to solve it. The AirTab portable monitor was launched on Kickstarter just a couple of days ago and it’s already reached its target.

Makers of the AirTab claim that it’s the lightest 15.6-inch portable display in the world. It reportedly weighs in at just 500 grams with a 4.9 mm thickness. This puts it on par with modern Macbooks.

Flexible Functionality Modes

The monitor has three different functionality modes – landscape, portrait, and creation mode. This allows you to use the touchscreen monitor almost like a tablet which gives you plenty of flexibility when working.

The creation mode is perhaps the most interesting aspect of this monitor. Creation mode is activated while lying the AirTab down and it’s great for creative, design or photography work or even just for watching movies.

This monitor has a 10-point touchscreen which is said to be super-responsive and accurate which should make it great for detailed design work or editing.

Compatibility With Other Devices

With the dual USB-C ports, this allows you to connect the AirTab to various devices including desktops, laptops, smartphones, cameras, tablets, or the Nintendo Switch.

If you’re planning to take some long post-COVID journeys and want some gaming to pass the time, loading up your Nintendo Switch on a 15.6-inch portable display could be a great way to experience the console.

This monitor was designed with compatibility in mind to make it as flexible as possible to give you a laptop-like experience. This allows you to complete work on the go, play games, watch movies, and more. The AirTab has a plug & play design so there’s no need to mess about with drivers, lengthy setup or other software.

AirTab Specifications

The AirTab will come in two varieties, a touchscreen version, and a non-touchscreen version. We’ve listed the specifications below. The only difference between the two models is the touchscreen functionality.

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When Will it Be Available?

According to the timeline on the Kickstarter page, the AirTab is planning to go into mass production in August 2020. From then, it should be available to ship in October 2020 – that is providing there aren’t any delays as we’ve seen with some pieces of hardware recently.

How Much Will the AirTab Monitors Cost?

The AirTab non-touch version will ship in October for a price of $279. The AirTab Touch will reportedly be priced at $379. However, if you contribute to the Kickstarter, you can get up to a 40% discount.

It will be interesting to see if these monitors are as great as they say they are. With such a light build, we’d be interested to see how durable they are but the specs are promising so far.

What do you think of the AirTab? Is this something you’d pick up yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

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