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New ASUS ROG Phone To Come Preloaded With Google Stadia

As popular as Google Stadia may be, the fact that it’s been so far limited to only work on certain Pixel phones has worked against Google for a while. 

That’s why it was welcome news when we heard that Stadia would soon be made available on Android devices too – including Samsung, ASUS, and Razer phones.

A new announcement has revealed that the new line of ASUS ROG phones will not only support Google Stadia but will also come preloaded with the app onboard. 

This will only apply to participating territories, which include Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Stream Any Game Through Wi-Fi

Another interesting thing to consider is that people will be able to stream games via Wi-Fi directly to any ROG phone with the use of Google Stadia. This is without having to download them. You will, however, still need to purchase the games. 

Google Stadia supports gaming up to 4K at 60 FPS, with 5.1 channel surround sound and HDR, so it could be a great option for those looking to start gaming on their smartphones.

What Do We Know About The ASUS ROG Phone III?

ASUS’ next-generation ROG phone will be released sometime in 2020 and will be the successor to the ASUS ROG Phone II. 

Other than this and what we can gather from previous generation ROG phones, we don’t know a lot more about the upcoming ROG Phone III. It’s expected to have the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC, a 120 Hz display, and a powerful 6,000 mAh battery like the ROG Phone II had. 

However, we can’t really say with any certainty what it will have in common or what will be different with this new phone, compared to the previous generation one. If we hear any more details in the meantime, we will keep you updated. 

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