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Become The King Of Crabs With A New Battle Royale

If, like many of us, you’ve been just waiting for a crab-based battle royale game, then you’re in luck. King of Crabs promises exactly that.

King of Crabs is a new MMO developed by Robot Squid. It has just been released in Early Access on Steam and is free to download now.

Robot Squid Is Looking for Early Access Feedback

The developers are looking for feedback right now and aim to release the full title in August 2020. “King of Crabs is really close to being finished, we’re just making sure to give everyone the best experience we can!”

On the developer’s note on Steam, you can see some of their plans for the next few months. In September, new modes will be introduced as well as a league system and the ability to keep pets. In December, clan systems and additional player crabs should be added to the game.

They also announced that this will remain free to play even once the full game is released. “King of Crabs will always be free to play! Yay!”

Become King Of The Crabs

King of Crabs is an intense real-time multiplayer game featuring up to 100 real players per game. The aim of the game is simply to become the biggest crab on the island.

Set on a huge island world, you can explore and conquer the island and defeat any crabs or other creatures that stand in your way.

Gameplay lets you scrap, scavenge and slaughter your way to the top of the food chain. Along the way, you can also collect a wide variety of crab species and discover advanced skills and skins to help you on your quest to become the top crab.

System Requirements For King of Crabs

If this seems like just the kind of fun title you’ve been looking for, don’t worry about the requirements. They’re not too demanding at all, but bear in mind this is Early Access and it could end up changing after the full release. You should be able to run this game without issue providing you’ve got a PC that is just a couple of years old.

OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 64-bit

CPU: 2.0 GHz Dual Core Processor

RAM: 512 MB

Graphics: GeForce 8800 or equivalent

DirectX: Version 9.0c

Storage: 120 MB available space

According to the Steam listing, this game definitely benefits from using a controller rather than a mouse and keyboard.

Overall, this looks like a fun little title to try out if you’re looking for something a bit different. We’re curious to see how big the community gets and what battling out against 100 other people in crab-form looks like.

Will you be playing King of Crabs? We’d love to hear some player thoughts on this title so feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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