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Brand New Update to Worms Armageddon Now Live

It’s been a long time coming, but Worms Armageddon has a brand new patch that’s finally live. In a new blog post on Steam, it was announced that the 21-year-old game will be getting a range of welcomed bug fixes and updates.

If you’ve been a long-standing fan of Worms, now is a great time to dip back into the game to see everything that’s been fixed and improved.

In the blog, Team17 Digital wrote: “Our thanks go to all the hardworking members of the Worms Armageddon community who helped make this update a reality.”

We’ve put together some of the new features and highlights but you can also see the announcement trailer below.

Unlock Brand New Scheme Options

With over 70 new scheme options, you’ll be able to fully customize your matches in plenty of ways. You’ll be able to fire more than one weapon a turn, see worms bouncing around the place and manipulate physics. However, this is only for the serious Worms players out there. You’ll first need to complete the single-player mode and unlock the Full Wormage to access these new options.

If you’ve ever used the RubberWorm module, all of those features can now be accessed behind the new Extended Scheme Options star button.

Experience Better Frame Rates

Previously, older versions of Worms have been capped at around 50 frames per second. In this new patch, you’ll be able to play Worms at whatever frame rate your hardware can support.

Windowed Mode

If you’ve struggled with awkward resolution changes in the past, there’s good news for you. You can now play Worms Armageddon within a window which is also great if you’re using screen capture software. This can be enabled through the Advanced Settings menu.

Good News for Streamers

Another way things are improving for the streamers amongst us is that the new Streaming Mode will not display IP addresses when hosting or joining an online game. This is great news for the privacy-conscious out there.

CPU Teams

You can now add CPU teams to online games too, which will be easily distinguishable from player teams. That means you can team up with friends or just watch a relaxing game with only CPU teams.

Take a Mapshot

For those who’d love to save a snapshot of their current map, you can take a quick memento of your destruction. When you type /map into the in-game chat or press Alt + Pause, you can save a snapshot of the current state of your map.

Compatibility Improvements

Developers have been working hard to ensure that anyone can play Worms, no matter what hardware is available. In this new update, some tweaks have been made to improve the experience for Windows 10 users and it’s also now available on Linux.

Worms Translated into Seven Languages

An army of volunteer translators has helped to make Worms Armageddon now fully translated into seven languages – French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, Russian and Portuguese. Four more languages are currently on their way.

370 Bug Fixes

Over the past few years, the developers have been working on a series of bugs which have now been resolved with this update. A huge 370 bugs and 45 changes have been made during this update to improve the player experience.

Celebrate the 25th Anniversary

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Worms so Team 17 is celebrating with a brand new Worms game, Worms Rumble. This plus, the brand new update to Armageddon is great news for Worms fans out there. Fans can also get their hands on the new Worms game – Worms Rumble by signing up to the closed beta. You’ll need to act fast though as this closes at 5:30pm BST / 6:30pm CEST.

Are you a Worms Armageddon fan still going strong? Will you be picking up the new Worms Rumble game? Let us know your thoughts below.

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