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Call of Duty 2020: Everything We Know So Far – WePC | Let's build your dream gaming PC
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Call of Duty 2020: Everything We Know So Far

One of the most rumored and talked about games of this year is the mysterious Call of Duty 2020 title.

With fresh new rumors and leaks to get stuck into, we thought we’d do a roundup of everything we know about this game so far.

The New Leaks

The latest leaks tell us a few different things. There’s a leaked list of campaign missions and multiplayer maps, appearing to confirm a return to parts of the original Black Ops storyline.

This leak comes from a Microsoft store listing called “The Red Door” which appears to be an alpha for Call of Duty 2020. Data miners quickly got to work and started to dig through the files, uncovering some key information about the upcoming title. They uncovered a list of multiplayer maps, campaign missions, and confirmation of the Zombies mode.

Leaked Maps

Eight multiplayer maps were leaked by data miner ProtoWarehouse and shared by the Twitter account for ModernWarzone.

It looks like these maps correlate with the leaks uncovered back in June by the Youtuber TheXclusiveAce (videos since deleted).

The full list of maps includes:

  • Black Sea
  • Cartel
  • K.G.B.
  • Miami
  • Moscow
  • Satellite
  • Tank
  • Tundra

The main multiplayer map was reportedly shown around social media back in June, which was called “Tanks”.

Of course, these leaks and any footage associated with them have been deleted so there’s a good chance there’s some accuracy to the rumors. Activision launched multiple copyright strikes and DMCA warnings for anyone sharing alleged footage of the game on social media.

Campaign Missions

The other major part of the leak was the list of campaign mission names. Prototype Warehouse released a series of campaign mission names on Twitter.

From these codenames, we can gather a bit of information. The references to “KGB” and “Nam” seem pretty consistent with other rumors we’ve seen about this being a Cold War-themed game. It looks like it’ll take place in various locations across the world, with Russia and Vietnam being key areas.

“Nic_revolution” appears to be a reference to the Nicaraguan Revolution which took place in the 1960s-70s. This has got a few fans excited. It suggests that we’ll see Raul Menendez again – a Nicaraguan political activist/the main bad guy in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.


Alongside the standard single-player and multiplayer campaigns, it looks like Zombies will be making a return as the third mode.

Data miners found a single map codenamed “Silver” will be included in the launch of the game. As many Call of Duty veterans will know already, Treyarch is known for using colors as codenames for zombie maps in development. As this mode has been a pretty consistent part of the CoD franchise since 2008, its inclusion here probably isn’t a massive shock.

What’s The Real Call of Duty Title?

With so many rumors and leaks out there, are we any closer to learning the real name of this Call of Duty game? There have been plenty of rumors circulating about the name. So far we’ve seen Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty Black Ops CIA, and Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War.

We still can’t say with any certainty what this game will be called so it’s anyone’s guess right now. We imagine that we’ll see a trailer soon which should hopefully confirm or put some of these rumors to bed.

When we hear more about the upcoming Call of Duty game, we’ll let you know. What do you think of the recent leaks? Which title do you think will be the official one? Let us know in the comments below.

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