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What To Expect During EA Play Live 2020

With most big conventions being completely canceled for 2020, a lot of companies have moved towards online events instead. Recently, we’ve seen IGN’s Summer of Gaming event and the Steam Game Festival, Summer Edition launch with great success. The latest of these events is EA Play Live which kicks off June 18th at 4 PM PT.

If you’re excited to see just what’s coming in EA Play Live, we have a rough idea of some of the great things we can expect.

Star Wars: Squadrons

The excitement is already building for Star Wars: Squadrons. While we do have some information on what we can expect, it’s going to be great to get a look at some gameplay footage and hints on what’s to come.

If you haven’t had a chance to take a look at this game yet, have a look at the release trailer below.

Apex Legends

It also looks like we might get some information on the future of Apex Legends. As this battle royale title is still one of EA’s biggest games, we’re expecting that it will make an appearance on next-generation consoles. Perhaps we’ll see some new updates teased?

We could even see some information on whether crossplay will be available for this title which would be great for the player counts when the new consoles launch.

EA Sports Titles

We’ve already been shown a Madden 21 trailer for everyone’s favorite football franchise. This also means that EA is probably committed to dropping an update for the rest of its sports titles as well.

We’d expect to see some news on a new FIFA release as well as maybe some NHL news while they’re at it. There is a rumored fourth release coming this year too, but we don’t yet know what it is. With 2K having a pretty good monopoly on the NBA games and Sony’s MLB: The Show taking care of baseball, could this fourth game be the already-leaked EA Sports UFC 4?

EA Originals

It’s always nice when new and original titles make an appearance. This is something EA hasn’t left behind either. Hazelight Studios has mentioned that they will be showing a new co-op game during the event.

Zoink Games could also be showcasing its new game Lost in Random and we may even see more news on EA’s partnership with Velan Studios.

Could BioWare Make an Appearance?

Bioware is still unconfirmed for this event so far. We have heard rumors that a remastered Mass Effect Trilogy is on the way, but this hasn’t been mentioned to make an appearance during EA Play.

The other option could be some kind of reveal for Dragon Age 4, or even an Anthem 2.0 but we wouldn’t hold out too much hope for that. The most likely outcome is that Bioware doesn’t make an appearance at all.

Final Word

We don’t have too long to wait until we find out a bit more news though, with the event happening tomorrow, there isn’t too long to wait. If we’re scraping the barrel for ideas, other release options could include a new Battlefield title or even a VR game, but we’ll have to wait and see.

What do you think EA has in store for us? What’s on the top of your wishlist? Let us know down in the comments section below.

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