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Free-to-Play Star Wars: The Old Republic Now on Steam

For those after a bit of a nostalgia hit right now, head over to Steam where you’ll find this classic Star Wars title now available.

Originally released in 2011, this MMO was a fan favorite from BioWare and went on to receive five narrative expansions. Set 3,000 years before the events of the Star Wars films, players get to step into the shoes of iconic roles such as Jedis, Siths, and Bounty Hunters.

It’s a great MMO to try out if you’re a huge fan of the Star Wars universe and want to learn and explore more of the world.

Last year, EA announced that its PC games would eventually make its way onto Steam. First, we got the critically acclaimed Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Now we have a more dated yet much-loved Star Wars title to play around with too. So far, EA has brought 25 games to Steam including franchises such as Battlefield, Mass Effect, and the Star Wars Battlefront series.

Optional Subscriptions to Unlock Extra Content

While The Old Republic is free to play, there are a few different subscriptions you can sign up to which are totally optional. The subscription allows you to experience even more of the Star Wars world including an increased level cap of 75 and access to the expansions. You’ll get the following benefits:

  • Immediate access to all expansions including Onslaught, Knights of the Eternal Throne, and Knights of the Fallen Empire
  • Level cap increased from 60 to 75
  • Unlimited access to warzones, flashpoints, uprisings and operations
  • Monthly Cartel Coin grant
  • Increased experience gain (XP)
  • Increased Renown gain
  • An increased Reputation gain
  • Additional character slots
  • Rest XP

You can sign up for a 30, 90 or 180-day access subscription by using the drop down on the Steam store page.

Cartel Coins

Another optional feature of Star Wars: The Old Republic is the Cartel Market. This is a premium marketplace where the game’s most sought-after commodities and goods are traded.

You can buy things like armor sets, weapons, mounts, playable species, character boosts and more with an in-game currency called Cartel Coins.

All of these items are cosmetic and won’t really affect the game play too much. So, if you’d rather not splurge on in-game currency, don’t worry too much. They’re just nice extras for fans of the game looking to change things up a bit.

On the Steam store page, you can buy between 250 ($2.99) to 5500 Cartel Coins ($39.99).

Can I Play Star Wars: The Old Republic?

If you’re thinking of getting started with The Old Republic, it’s always a good idea to look at the system requirements first.

We have a full article on the system requirements of this game, plus some hardware suggestions if you’re thinking of upgrading your PC. The good thing is this game has pretty low requirements, so you should be able to run it on your current PC without too much problem.

Are you going to try out Star Wars: The Old Republic on Steam? Will you be purchasing a subscription? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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