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Ghost of Tsushima Gets A Thrilling New Trailer And Summer 2020 Release Window At The Game Awards

As promised, The Game Awards produced a complete Ghost of Tsushima trailer alongside a bit more information about when we can expect the PlayStation 4 exclusive title from Sucker Punch to release.

Ghost Of Tsushima Trailer

The trailer offers a broader overview and continuation of the trailer broadcast during PlayStation’s State of Play on Tuesday. A band of gruff soldiers traverse a canopy of trees but soon meets a swift end at the blade of a masked samurai that turns out to be the game’s protagonist, Jin.

The fight is interspersed with a bit of a flashback that refers to Jin as the ‘ghost’ with some mysterious lore attached. Some believe he is the incarnation of a fallen soldier, others the human form of a turbulent storm. We also get a snippet of his assassination skills as he picks through a Mongal settlement with deft and acrobatic sword strikes.

The trailer then jumps back to the unlucky band of travelers. Jin leaves one of them alive with a message, ‘Tell him I’m coming,’ presumably destined for one of the game’s antagonists.

A lot of emphasis is then placed on a mask that Jin wears, which we imagine plays an essential role in the narrative in some shape or form.

In true cinematic trailer style, a succession of fast-paced cuts follow as Jin rides through various vistas on horseback, does a spot of traversal, and edges menacingly towards different enemies katana in hand.

Final Word

A message displaying Summer 2020 alongside a mock-up of the box art rounds off the trailer, confirming Ghost of Tsushima will indeed be a current-generation release and not carried over to the PlayStation 5.

It’s all pretty mouth-watering stuff and a welcome look at a game that has been pretty elusive since a gameplay trailer back at E3 2018.

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