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Sneak Peek At Intel Xe Graphics Performance With Battlefield V 

While we continue to scour the internet for any new pieces of information we can find on the upcoming Intel Xe graphics, sometimes we stumble across pieces of surprising news. Ryan Shrout from Intel has published a short video on an ultra-thin notebook running Battlefield V with some impressive results.

What Could We See From The Video?

Ryan Shrout took to Twitter to share some of the “perks of the job” where he took a prototype ultra-thin, Intel Tiger Lake notebook running a copy of Battlefield V.

This gameplay was running at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 with the graphics settings on high. For an integrated GPU, the frame rate was pretty impressive, it hovered pretty much around 30 FPS during the gameplay, which even included a bit of action.

It was also confirmed through the comments that this was running on Direct X Version 11, but no more details could be shared at this time. We also don’t know the exact specification that the Tiger Lake APU is running during this demo, but some rumors point towards the Xe-LP featuring up to 96 Execution Units.

While this performance certainly isn’t groundbreaking, it is a step in the right direction for Intel’s integrated graphics. For casual gamers, this is likely going to come as an added bonus when purchasing a laptop – but we’d expect avid gamers will still opt for a dedicated graphics card.

When Will Intel Xe Release?

We still don’t have a confirmed release date for Intel’s Xe chips. Intel has stated in the past that they are aiming for a late Summer/early Autumn 2020 release though.

Intel Xe chips will only be available as discrete mobile Xe graphics for now so it looks like laptops like these will be the first testing ground. It will be interesting to see how they perform and how Intel develops Xe graphics in the future. For now, this Battlefield V test is a good insight into what to expect.

What do you think of the new Xe graphics test? Is it something you’ll be looking for in your next laptop purchase? Let us know your thoughts below.

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