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The Last of Us Part II and Other Exciting June Releases

It looks like June is gearing up to be an exciting month for game releases. After a few months of cancellations and bad news due to COVID-19, it’s good to see the gaming industry getting back on track.

Today, we’ll be sharing some of the most anticipated releases for this month to keep an eye out for. We’ll be covering The Last of Us Part II, Valorant and Command & Conquer Remastered Collection as well as others.

The Last of Us Part II

Release Date – June 19th, 2020

Platforms – PlayStation 4

Developer – Naughty Dog

Publisher – Sony Interactive Entertainment

Genre – Action-adventure, survival horror

We’re going to start off our list today with a release that is probably in most of our calendars already – The Last of Us Part II. This title has already been delayed a few times due to needing more time for development. Then, of course, COVID-19 was thrown into the mix, leading to another delay. Finally, we have a firm release date. The Last of Us Part II will release on June 19th for PlayStation 4.

The Last of Us Part II will take place several years after the events in the first game. Joel and Ellie both return to Jackson County where several survivors have built a safe haven. However, it looks like the safe haven won’t protect them very long as Ellie is forced to begin a journey across the country once again.

In a break away from the first title, Ellie will be the lead character in this sequel and the only playable character this time according to creative director Neil Druckmann.

Parts of the story have already been leaked and met with mixed reactions. However, Naughty Dog says that you need to play the game to get the full story and understand the full picture. We’ll certainly be playing the game as soon as it comes out.


Release Date – June 2nd, 2020

Platforms – PC

Developer – Riot Games

Publisher – Riot Games

Genre – First-person shooter

Valorant is a free-to-play, first-person shooter title developed by Riot Games, the minds behind League of Legends. Valorant has only just recently ended its beta phase and if you’re excited to jump back in, the full version will be available on June 2nd.

In Valorant, players take control of agents with unique abilities and an assortment of weapons including shotguns, machine guns, assault rifles, and sidearms. The fast-paced tactical gameplay will be a great fit for those who are used to playing the likes of CS:GO and Team Fortress 2.

The diverse cast of agents and weapon types makes for exciting gameplay that looks like it will take the esports scene by storm on the final release. We expect to see lots of content added to the game post-release as well. For a free game, it looks to be an exciting way to spend an afternoon, a week, or even a couple of months.

Desperados III

Release Date – June 16th, 2020

Platforms – PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Developer – Mimimi Games

Publisher – THQ Nordic

Genre – Real-time tactics

The top-down genre is seeing a bit of a revival lately and Desperados III looks like a great addition. This game is a prequel to the first two games and takes place in an Old-West style world where you’ll have to use stealth, cunning, and quick gunplay to ensure your survival.

There is a new cast of characters, a new “Showdown Mode” and more ways to dispatch your enemies that you’d first think. This isn’t a traditional spaghetti western either and it’s not all guns and dynamite. One of the characters, Isabel, has powers that you can use to mind control characters and even link them together so they all take the same amount of damage.

This is definitely a title to check out if you’re a fan of games where you really have to take your time, save often and plan out your attack before you get started.

Command & Conquer Remastered Collection

Release Date – June 5th, 2020

Platforms – PC

Developer – Petroglyph

Publisher – Electronic Arts

Genre – RTS

If you’ve missed the cheesy live-action cutscenes that we used to get in games, you’ll be able to experience them all over again in the remastered collection of the Command & Conquer titles.

Command & Conquer Remastered includes a complete rework of the graphics, UI and sound engine to bring them all to the higher resolutions that we’d see today. The live-action cutscenes have also been upscaled which is great news.

The soundtrack for the game has been remastered by the original composer Frank Klepacki and you can even add your favorite tracks to an in-game jukebox if you wish. The classic and remastered versions of the tracks come to a total of 175 tracks, which is well over 10 hours of music to experience.  There is also a couple of bonus and hidden tracks included that never made the release of the original games.

If it’s been a while since you’ve played the original Command & Conquer and its sequels, now is a great time to get invested.


Release Date – June 16th, 2020

Platforms – PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

Developer – V1 Interactive

Publisher – Private Division

Genre – First-person shooter, real-time strategy

Last on our list of big releases for June is Disintegration. This first-person shooter sees players take control of a Gravcycle pilot who issues commands to his four-person squad during a battle.

Marcus Lehto, co-creator of the Halo series is looking to follow up on the huge success of that franchise with great gameplay, an interesting story, and of course, a captivating multiplayer mode.

The excitement found during combat is more than enough to get the blood pumping. You’ll have to dive for cover behind buildings, shoot down targets and evade incoming fire – all while watching the action unfold below.

Final Word

So there we have it, these are some of the best games coming out in the month of June. We haven’t covered every June release in this article and there are definitely others out there that deserve a mention.

We kept our list short today because we know our readers are busy. If you’re still eager for more and are looking for more ideas, why not check out some of our honorable mentions:

  • Beyond Blue (PC, Xbox One & PS4, June 11)
  • Summer in Mara (PC & Switch, June 16)
  • Waking (PC & Xbox One, June 18)
  • Ninjala (Switch, June 24)
  • 1971 Project Helios (PC, Xbox One, PS4 & Switch, June 9).

Which of these titles strikes your fancy? Could you see yourself picking up a couple of these? Let us know down in the comments section below. We love hearing your thoughts on upcoming titles.

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