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Kickstarter RPG Sea of Stars Launches New Trailer

Sea of Stars is an upcoming retro turn-based RPG. It’s a sequel to the 2018 retro-platformer ‘The Messenger’ and takes on the same classic, nostalgic style that fans loved.

While it has a modern touch to it, the game manages to retain the classic feel of platforming games from the 90s. Creative director Thierry Boulanger said “The goal is to create a game that holds up today but also shines a light on what made these games so great.

Unlike The Messenger, which was a classic side-scrolling platform game, Sea of Stars focuses on a bigger story and a larger world. Sea of Stars will allow you to embark on a journey that explores this large world with multiple characters.

The story follows two Children of the Solstice who combine the powers of the sun and moon into something called Eclipse Magic. Together they must fight against the creations of the evil alchemist, The Fleshmancer.

An initial reveal trailer was released back in March but a brand new Summer Game Fest has recently dropped.

This longer trailer shows us a bit more of what to expect from the world and the different environments. We get a better look at the battles, powers, and some gameplay.

Kickstarter Funding

Sabotage Studio turned to crowdfunding to raise money for this game and launched a Kickstarter campaign with a funding goal of $100,000. While that’s a hefty amount, it’s still not enough to fund a game’s development completely.

Boulanger instead confirmed that the funding would be coming mostly from The Messenger’s profits. “We’re reinvesting everything we made on The Messenger to make this game.”

So, it looks like the Kickstarter campaign was a way to test the waters to see if there was enough demand to create the game. “It’s that sanity check. We need to hear the response that people want to play this, so we don’t throw all of that down the drain to make our dream game and then be out of a job.”

This is quite an interesting way of doing some market research and getting funding for it at the same time.

At the time of writing, the Kickstarter campaign has 25,589 backers who have pledged a total of $1,628,126 CAD so far. They’re offering Kickstarter backers a bunch of freebies including HD wallpapers, signed copies of the game, and a digital artbook.

When Will Sea of Stars Be Released?

According to the Kickstarter page, Sea of Stars will be released in 2022. Beyond that, we don’t have an exact date. All we know is that it will be coming to both PC and consoles.

This won’t be the hardest game in the world to run, but it’s always worth taking a look at what kind of system requirements are expected. So far, the minimum requirements have been put on the Steam Store page.

You will need at least a Windows 7 OS, 8 GB of RAM, and an Intel Core i7-4700HQ 2.40 GHz or equivalent. At least an Nvidia GeForce GTX 860M graphics card and DirectX Version 11 are also suggested.

If we hear any news on the release date, we’ll keep you updated. In the meantime, do you think you’ll pick up Sea of Stars when it releases? Are you a Kickstarter backer? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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