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Mafia Trilogy Collection Announced

Most people have known about this for a little while at least, but it has finally been officially confirmed that the entire Mafia Trilogy of games are getting re-released this year, for Xbox One, PS4, and PC,  with stunning new visuals and gameplay to match up with the re-released title.

Mafia 1 Definitive Edition

The first game in the trilogy, Mafia, was beloved on its first release, and will now be seeing a complete upscaling and ground-up rebuilding. This means that the original games graphics, engine, and gameplay will all be updated for 2020, capable of running well on a PS4 and looking like a modern-era game.

The first Mafia takes place in the fictional city of Lost Heaven in the 1930s, where players take on the character of Tommy Angelo, a cab driver who is thrust into the vicious criminal underworld populated by the Italian mafia. The game was inspired by the likes of hit films like Goodfellas, The Godfather, and others – and it took on a more serious tone than other games in the same vein at the time (like Grand Theft Auto).

Fans of the original will be happy to hear that the remake will stay faithful to the original, whilst introducing expanded gameplay elements and including an original score with,  of course, updated and modernized graphics.

Fans of the original have something to look forward to in an updated version of the game, whereas newcomers to the series will be pleased to find an engaging story to dive into – especially if they are a fan of the mafia genre. The Mafia One Remake will be available to purchase from August 28th, 2020. 

Mafia 2 Definitive Edition

Unlike Mafia Definitive Edition, the Mafia trilogy will only see the second installment ship with updated graphics and HD textures rather than a full overhaul. Still, that shouldn’t stop players from enjoying this sequel that builds on all of the ideas present in the original, and it’s a great opportunity for console gamers to enjoy the classic if they didn’t get the chance the first time Mafia 2 rolled out.

Additionally, the game will come bundled with all of the DLC that originally released for Mafia 2, including joe’s Adventures, Jimmy’s Vendetta, and The Betrayal of Jimmy. Taking place between the mid-1940s and the early 1950s, Mafia 2 continued on from the themes established in the first game, with players becoming a Sicilian immigrant to America in service to the Mafia families through no fault of their own – and it’s available to buy right now, just like Mafia 3. 

Mafia 3 Definitive Edition

Whilst there aren’t that many changes to the re-release of Mafia 3 as part of the Mafia trilogy, we are excited to learn that Mafia 3 will be released in its entirety, including all of the DLCs as part of the main game, and just like the Mafia 2 Definitive Edition, it’s available to download right now. 

A departure from the previous titles, Mafia 3 introduced gamers to the first black protagonist of the Mafia franchise, with Lincoln Clay (A Vietnam war veteran), returning to his town of New Bourdeaux in the 1960s, where he becomes involved with the Black, Haitian, Italian and Irish mobs.

The developers of the game wanted to steer away from the traditional Italian-American depictions of the Mafia and chose to take the game in a new direction as a result. Only released in 2016, the re-release will give players the opportunity to catch up on the entire Mafia franchise for one convenient price, and have access to all of the DLCs at once.

Thinking of getting yourself the Mafia Trilogy? Or maybe you already played through the games and want to share your opinion on their re-release? Let us know in the comments below.

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