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Monday Mods: Crysis Enhanced Edition

The Remaster Studio modding team has finally released a public version of the Crysis Enhanced Edition mod. This mod significantly improves the graphics of Crysis on PC for a more immersive experience in the world of Crysis.

The mod trailer showcases some fantastic graphics improvements including HD grass, rocks, and maximum immersion textures to improve your experience. Alongside these improved textures, you’ll be able to experience things like real-time ocean reflections, grass and vegetation shadows as well as improved sky and indoor lighting.

Take a look at the Enhanced Edition trailer below:

The new features showcased in the trailer for the Crysis Enhanced Edition Mod include:

  • Maximum textures
  • 8K rocks and grounds
  • 4K structures
  • Maximum water
  • Screen space reflections
  • Maximum particles
  • Particle lights
  • Maximum lighting
  • Indirect sky lighting
  • Indoors lighting reworked
  • Improved fog volumes
  • Maximum vegetation

The modding team said: “The goal of our mod was to achieve the ultimate graphic mod (relatively to modern standards) for Crysis 1.”

This mod was previously released just for Remaster Studio Patrons but is now available for everyone. However, some features such as the custom-created 8K, 4K and 2K textures are still only available for Patrons.

To download this mod, you’ll need to head over to the Mod DB website to download the files there.

Crysis is still to this day a demanding game, so in conjunction with this mod, it would be a great game to put a new PC build through its paces.

What About the Crysis Remaster?

The elephant in the room here is the fact that Crysis Remastered is coming soon. However, once people got a look at the announcement trailer, the visuals were widely criticized.

As a result, Crytek has delayed its official Crysis Remaster. However, the Nintendo Switch version of the game is still going ahead with its planned release later on in July.

Crytek addressed the criticism of the leaked footage. “You might be aware of the leak yesterday, and want you to know; we’ve seen the reactions — the good and the bad — and we’re listening! We’re still working on a number of things in the game, as well as the storefront. Please keep the love coming, and rest assured, you’ll have the game you love shortly!”

With some noting that the mod looks better than the remaster, it looks like Crytek will have a tough time on its hands trying to please everyone. However, it looks like they are taking the feedback on board for now so we’ll keep a watch out for how that situation develops in the next few months.

Have you had a chance to play around with the Enhanced Edition mod? Are you looking forward to the Crysis Remastered release, or are you less than optimistic because of the trailer visuals? Let us know your thoughts below.

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