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MSI Set to Release Its First Navi Based Laptop

One of the first laptops to emerge that will house the long-awaited Navi cards will come from MSI. This laptop will make use of the AMD RX 5500M series processor that was officially announced earlier today

The Alpha 15 laptop by MSI will be the first of its kind that will allow users to get a taste of the new Radeon RX 5500M GPU. This laptop is expected to start at around $999 and release at the end of the month. 

What do we know?

This isn’t the most expensive gaming laptop that we’ve seen in recent years. This brings some good news for consumers as they will be able to get a taste of the RX 5500M at an affordable price point. 

We still don’t know all the details and specifications of this laptop at this stage but we do know that the RX 5500M will be powering a 15” display. The laptop will have a resolution of 1920×1080 and a refresh rate of 144 Hz. This is great news for gamers that are looking to play on a budget and aren’t quite ready to make the jump to 1440p just yet. 

The monitor will also support FreeSync as well as coming with an AMD Ryzen R7 3750H CPU.

With the performance of the RX 5500m GPU said to be faster than its mobile counterpart, the GTX 1650, consumers are expected to receive up to a 30% performance boost. While this will mainly depend on the titles you are running and the settings you use, this is still an impressive figure.

Price points

The major differences you’ll receive when opting for the more pricey model of $1099 are pretty impressive. The base model of $999 will have a 120Hz display with 8GB RAM, but if you spent an extra $100 you’ll be able to up your specifications to 16GB of RAM and a 144Hz display. Not bad for an extra $100!

Closing thoughts

It’s always exciting when you receive two pieces of breaking news in one day. With MSI deciding to announce this on the same day as the Navi chips dropped it goes to show that they are very confident in their product. Not only will we get a chance to see these cards in action soon enough, but we’ll be able to find out just what they are capable of. 

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