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No Straight Roads Demo Live on Epic Game Store

Originally due for release today, No Straight Roads has sadly been pushed back to release in August. While this might be a bit disappointing, it looks like we’ll at least get to see a slice of the game now. To make up for the delay, Metronomik has released a demo that you can download from the Epic Games Store. The demo is currently available to try out now while we wait for the final release date.

No Straight Roads is a “rhythm-infused action-adventure” game brought to you by the minds behind Final Fantasy XV and Street Fighter V. You can see the trailer below:

No Straight Roads follows characters Mayday and Zuke on an exciting and colorful journey to defeat the EDM empire with the power of rock music. On your journey, you’ll get to fight musical megastars, upgrade your abilities, and transform props into weapons, all with the power of music.

During this free demo, you’ll get the chance to fight one of these musical megastars – the piano prodigy Yinu.

Daim Dziauddin, creative director of No Straight Roads said: “As a huge thank you to our loyal fans who have waited for No Straight Roads, we’ve made a playable demo available today which will give everyone an idea of what to expect with our beloved game. We can’t wait for players to experience the full game very soon.”

Release Date, Platforms and Exclusive Nintendo Switch Content

If you’re planning to get this title on Nintendo Switch, there will also be console-specific content you won’t be able to get elsewhere. This content includes:

  • 3-player co-op: Assist Mode lets up to three local players play together on Nintendo Switch only.
  • Exclusive Assist Mode: Assist Mode also lets you partner up with an additional local player to take control of the Elliegator. This is a secret alligator assistant who can assist players in battle. They’ll be there to pick up items or transform props to help you out.
  • Touchscreen support: The Nintendo Switch version comes with touchscreen support to help you transform props and pick up items.
  • Single Joy-Con controller play: The game can be played with a single Joy-Con in singleplayer or if you want a friend to join in, they can use the other Joy-Con.

No Straight Roads will be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC on August 25th.

Will you be downloading the No Straight Roads demo? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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