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Nvidia RTX 3000 Could Be 50% More Efficient Than Previous Cards

It looks like the latest graphics card in Nvidia’s RTX 3000 range is soon to be on its way. Expectations are already high and experts are weighing in, predicting that this card will be 50% more efficient than any other graphics card Nvidia has put out before it. This is according mostly to engineer Igor Wallossek who has discussed a new method of designing graphics cards.

How Has Nvidia Improved Efficiency On Their New Cards?

Other Nvidia RTX cards have been manufactured using the process of back drilling but for only part of the card itself. The RTX 3000 series, on the other hand, will use back drilling a lot more, which should solve a problem that Nvidia cards have been facing for a while now. 

Up until now, the method of producing previous Nvidia cards would produce bumps that rise out of the joint parts on the card’s plates. This can in turn cause more bumps to form on the next layer which can result in errors. These errors have the potential to increase as the clock speed goes up, making the cards less efficient. 

The Nvidia RTX 3000 back drilling method will help to prevent these errors and bumps and this should lead to better throughput and data transfer speeds – therefore making the card more efficient. 

Will It Be Enough To Fight Off The Competition?

With competition so fierce in the graphics card market, regarding graphics and framerates, a boost in efficiency is much needed. While 50% efficiency boosts sound a bit too good to be true, any increase in efficiency is going to be good news for Nvidia fans looking at the RTX 3000 for their next graphics card purchase. 

We hope that the Nvidia RTX 3000 series will live up to the hype because it’s certainly got some strong competition this year, with the “Nvidia Killer” card expected to be released later this year from AMD.

Of course, it’s hard to tell how accurate these predictions will be without the card being released yet for us to test. There are plenty of hints speculating that the RTX 3000 will be released in June this year. However, we should hopefully find out more during the PC Gaming Show at E3 before then. If we hear more news on the RTX 3000, we will keep you up to date here at WePC.

2 thoughts on “Nvidia RTX 3000 Could Be 50% More Efficient Than Previous Cards”

  1. Really, no one cares about efficiency. I mean, yeah, but what we really CARE about is power. The next cards could have the same power at half the power draw and they would honestly be total garbage.

    If they have 50% more power, then yeah, AMAZING cards. But gtfo with this “efficiency” clickbait

    • @JOHN You definitely don’t know shit about hardware. The 20 series was a fully unlocked and overclocked 10 series. Meaning they tapped out the architecture that it was based on. Efficiency and over all improvements to how where the clock speed will end up are synonymous. If they just shrunk their chips from 14nm to 7nm they can add 50% more physical components to the card but if they don’t change the architecture and focus efficiency then it will be negligible because the card will need more power resulting in possible instability. Do your research you neck beard. This article is click bait but we need media outlets screaming at Nvidia about efficiency because Jensen don’t give a leather jacket fuck about base consumers buying 2080Tis and 3080Tis. Their money is coming from large firms utilizing the HBM ampere cards which ultimately dictate how far the gaming market will jump every generation.


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