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Superhot: Mind Control Delete Launching July 16th

If you’re a fan of the surreal time-bending first-person shooter Superhot, get ready for the third title in the series – Superhot: Mind Control Delete.

The original Superhot game is a bit of a cult classic these days. This latest edition seems to build on what the Superhot superfans know and love about the series.

Superhot: Mind Control Delete is a first-person shooter with a difference. It’s a unique and surreal game that blurs the lines between strategy and mayhem. You won’t see health bars or find any convenient ammo drops here.

Time moves whenever you move. You’ll be outnumbered and outgunned, relying on the weapons of your fallen enemies. Superhot lets you shoot, slice and carefully maneuver your way through a wave of slow-motion bullets.

Superhot: Mind Control Delete puts you in the center of a firefight. Your bright red enemies launch wave after wave of slow-motion firepower while your own bullets smash through your enemies, exploding in red shrapnel. You’ll amass an arsenal of weapons and skills as you progress and get closer to the core of the game.

What’s New in this Sequel?

This sequel will provide more in terms of story, gameplay, and insight into the world of Superhot. It’s a game much bigger than its predecessors and aims to fully immerse you in its world for hours on end.

You’ll be able to experiment with different play styles, character builds, and new ways to outsmart and outmaneuver your enemies.

As you progress through the game, you’ll build up more power, learn new skills, hacks, and special techniques to conquer even more enemies.

You’ll also get the chance to play around with more characters and smarter foes, which will put your newly acquired skills to the test.

Is This a VR Title?

The last Superhot game we saw was a VR-title, which brought a fresh new mechanism to the gameplay. Inevitably, this did shut out fans of the original who don’t own a VR headset, though.

Superhot: Mind Control Delete is a regular title that is non-VR. The developers said that making a VR version is like making a whole new game entirely. So, for now, MCD will be non-VR.

“Just like making Superhot VR required making an entirely new game with new mechanics, new levels, and a new story, so would our next VR game differ from MCD and everything else we’ve done so far. We’re always working on new things, but great things take time to build. It may be a long time before we’re happy with the next great VR thing to show you.”

We may see another VR title in the future, but for now, we’re happy to see a sequel everybody can play.

Release Date and Prices

Superhot will be a full-priced $25 game available on Steam. However, if you purchased the original Superhot game on or before July 16th 2020, then MCD will be free for you!

So, if you’ve been thinking of trying out Superhot for a while now, pick up the original game and get the sequel for free.

The full version of Mind Control Delete will be released on July 16th, 2020. It’s been in development and Early Access since 2017 so this has been a huge project that we can’t wait to finally play.

Are you a Superhot superfan? Will you be picking up the new title? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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