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Surreal RPG Hylics 2 Just Released on Steam

Surreal RPG, Hylics 2 is now available on Steam to download. If you’ve been a bit tired of your game library and are looking for something new and unique, Hylics 2 looks to deliver just that.

Hylics 2 is the much-awaited sequel to the original Hylics 2015 RPG. This sequel has been in the works for a few years now and was originally marked for release last year but was sadly delayed.

The psychedelic stop-motion animation and clay models make it an instantly recognizable title. You can take a look at just how weirdly wonderful it all looks with the trailer below:

What Can We Expect from the Hylics 2 Story?

Hylics 2 is a turn-based RPG that sees you exploring new worlds and landscapes as well as darting around in a spacecraft. While exploring the 3D environments, you can use air-dashing, rolling, and gliding to hide from enemies or seek out hidden treasures.

According to the Steam Store page, you’ll play as the moon-faced golem, Wayne. Wayne must assemble a crew and put a stop to the tyrant, Gibby. “The tyrant Gibby’s minions seek to reconstitute their long-presumed-annihilated master.”

Wayne and his team will battle it out against 25 different enemies using a variety of attacks including Soul Crisper, Fate Sandbox, and Nematode.

System Requirements for Hylics 2

The system requirements for this game aren’t too demanding. According to Steam, you’ll need a minimum of Windows 7 OS, a 2 GHz processor, 8 GB of RAM, and 4 GB of available hard drive space.

However, the recommended requirements suggest Windows 10 and a 2.5 GHz processor to get the most out of this title.

How Much Is Hylics 2?

At the moment, Hylics 2 is on special offer on Steam. You can get 10% off so it’s currently priced at $13.49/£10.25. This offer ends on June 29th so you’ll need to act fast if you want to save some money on this title.

What do you think of the Hylics 2 trailer? Is this a title you’re thinking of picking up? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear your thoughts.

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