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Survival Fantasy Title Windbound Reveals Gameplay Trailer

Are you ready to embark on a new fantasy adventure? Windbound is an upcoming indie title due to be released on August 28th. With serious Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild undertones, this looks like a great little game to get stuck into from next month on.

The recent gameplay trailer gives us a bit more insight into what to expect from this survival-crafting RPG. Which you can see below.

What Does the Gameplay Trailer Tell Us?

The gameplay trailer introduces you to the protagonist, Kara. Kara starts exploring the island and comes across some old ruins and Sea Shards. Sea Shards can be collected and used to upgrade skills and equipment.

The trailer shows Kara climbing one of the island towers which need to be scaled in order to find keys. Once she reaches the top, a mysterious blue light flows from the key to Kara’s amulet. According to the gameplay trailer, it will take some time before the true significance of these towers and keys are revealed. So, you’ll have to wait and see what all this means.

From the top of the tower, you have a great vantage point of the whole island which allows you to see the landscape and make a decision on where to go next.

We can also get a glimpse of the sailing and hunting action in the trailer as well as a quick look at the different islands and landscapes to explore.

Windbound Features to Explore

Some of the features which have been announced and showcased in the gameplay trailer include:

Discover the history of the Forbidden Islands

As Kara embarks on her personal journey, you will discover the history behind the idyllic Forbidden Islands. Each island has the key to a mystery you must uncover.

Explore impressive landscapes

With many landscapes and islands to explore, you’ll journey across grassy plains, rocky shores, and choppy seas. From the island towers, you’ll be able to take in the whole landscape of each island before you move onto the next challenge. Each island has its own landscapes, terrain and multitude of creatures.

Scavenge to survive

Windbound is a survival adventure at heart. You’ll have to scavenge to survive on the islands’ untamed terrain. Resources may be scarce but you’ll need to find tools and weapons to hunt wildlife and upgrade your boat. Once you run out of resources, it’s time to move onto the next island.

Build your perfect seacraft

Your boat is your best friend in this game. It must be carefully maintained and upgraded where possible. You’ll be able to create your own seacraft and design your boat to battle against the dangerous waves, deadly sea creatures, and treacherous winds.

Pre-order for Ancestral Attire

The time has come for Kara to honor her past. If you pre-order Windbound, you’ll unlock ancestral attire and an ancestral knife and oar for Kara.

With the ancestral attire, you receive garments fit for a warrior handed down from generation to generation.

The ancestral knife has a mysterious past. Forged from Sea Shards, no one knows how the ancestors acquired it. It’s a luminous and dangerously sharp blade that cuts as well as it did hundreds of years ago.

The ancestral oar, known as the Oceanic Gyre is also a mystery to Kara’s people. It remains as sturdy as it was when it was made and will fare well across challenging sea voyages.

At the moment, Windbound is available for pre-order for $29.99 or £24.99 on Steam. Windbound will also be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Will you be picking up Windbound when it releases? Or are you planning to pre-order to unlock the extra free content? Let us know your thoughts on the recent gameplay trailer below.

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