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Titanfall 2 Arrives on Steam and Becomes Top Seller

EA has recently released a series of games on Steam for the first time. We’ve seen The Sims 4, the Battlefield franchise, and Mass Effect arrive back on Steam, giving fans more opportunity to play. Perhaps the most surprising success so far has been Titanfall 2.

Titanfall 2, the cult sci-fi shooter title has had a surge in popularity since it arrived on Steam. It’s even surpassed the entire Battlefield series in terms of player count.

Developed by Respawn Entertainment, Titanfall 2 is a first-person shooter title. Set in a science-fiction world, you get to control Titans and their pilots. The single-player campaign follows character Jack Cooper, a rifleman from the Frontier Militia who teams up with a Titan to stop the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation from launching a superweapon.

Cult Title Turned Top Seller on Steam

Titanfall 2 was originally released in 2016 without much fanfare or attention. Over the years, it became a bit of a cult title. Fans of the game seemed to love the unique single-player story mode and the chaotic multiplayer mode. However, the title that took primary focus at the time was another EA title – Battlefield 1. So, it’s interesting to see Titanfall 2 finally overtake its rival four years later.

Now that Titanfall 2 is on Steam, players have flocked in to experience this game. With a peak of 9,211 players as of today, it looks like Titanfall 2 is finally getting the attention it deserves. It’s even the top-selling game on Steam at the moment.

Reviews of the game seem to be as positive as they were when the title originally came out. Steam reviews are already overwhelmingly positive, so it looks like it held its age pretty well.

Titanfall 2 On Sale Until July

As part of EA’s game releases on Steam, plenty of EA games are on offer at the moment. This is a great opportunity to pick up a bargain.

Titanfall 2 is currently on offer as well. With 67% off the original price, you can pick up this title for just £8.24. This special offer ends July 9th so you’ve still got time if you want to play it on Steam.

Will you be picking up Titanfall 2 on Steam? Or are you one of the thousands of players already on it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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