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Unique Puzzle Game Maquette Coming to PC Soon

Maquette is an upcoming unique puzzle experience that allows you to explore a fascinating recursive world. Maquette is a first-person puzzle game that puts you in a strange world unlike any you’ll have seen before.

Players are put into a vibrant, magical world where each item, building or plant you come across has both a large and tiny version of themselves. The very world itself appears to exist within itself.

If you see an elaborate piece of architecture towering above you, you’ll also find a miniature version of it somewhere around you. As you head towards the center of the world, you’ll find yourself towering over buildings like a giant, but if you head further out, everything else gets bigger and bigger.

The puzzles can be solved by manipulating the miniature version of items in the world to pass through various levels. This is best explained through seeing it in action through the gameplay trailer.

In this gameplay trailer, you’re shown an example of a huge cube blocking your path. It’s too heavy and large to lift yourself, but all you need to do is wander into the tiny world. In this area, you’ll see the large world identically recreated in a miniature version – with a tiny version of the cube.

The smaller cube is easier to lift out of the way, which simultaneously lifts the larger cube out of the way so you can access the rest of the area. Another example is shown by using an object as a bridge to get across to the next area.

A Puzzle Game with a Love Story On Top

If that wasn’t confusing enough, there’s a whole love story thrown in for good measure. Maquette is the story of two characters, Kenzie and Michael who meet within the world and engage in some awkward flirting. Along their journey, each chapter brings new stories and lessons in love, loss, and acceptance.

When Will Maquette Be Released?

According to the current Steam listing, this title is planned for release in 2020. At the moment, there is no firm release date to go off.

Created by Annapurna Interactive and Graceful Decay, Maquette was first revealed in 2011 at the Game Developers Conference during the Experimental Gameplay Workshop. Since then, it was announced for release on PC back in February.

System Requirements of Maquette

This isn’t a particularly demanding game to run, so you should be fine if your PC is just a couple of years old. The minimum requirements are as follows:

OS: Windows 7 64-bit

CPU: Intel Core i3 2.5 GHz or AMD FX-4170

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 or AMD R7 270X (2 GB VRAM)

DirectX: Version 11

Available storage: 10 GB space

The price for this title is also unknown at the moment, so we’ll be keeping a lookout for the release date and price in the coming months.

For now, it looks like a fascinating game with a unique experience we’d love to try out. What do you think of this puzzle game? Is it something you’re likely to pick up? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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