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Danielle Rose

Staff Writer

About Danielle Rose

Danielle has loved writing about games, records and films for as long as she can remember, probably in an effort to feel better about not being able to create them. A keen console gamer from a young age, she now has a collection of old paraphernalia gathering dust — sacrilege! — in the hopes of one day being able to house the ultimate haven of retro gaming systems… including a Guitar Hero arcade machine. She’s still saving for that, though.


Outside of generally being a hermit and curling up at home in front of a video game or Netflix series, Danielle doesn’t really have many interests nor is she very interesting. You might catch her streaming occasionally, and she plays DND on the rare occasions there are no scheduling conflicts within the party. And if she ever recovers from the pandemic and starts going out in public again (outside of the office), you might see her at a car show.

Gaming setup

Danielle finally branched into PC gaming in 2020 after the pandemic actually allowed her to save some money. Just a tiny bit, as you can see from her budget-friendly setup. Her PC accompanies her Nintendo Switch and Xbox One (the PC gobbled up the Series X budget). And, as briefly mentioned above, there’s then the PS1, PS2, SNES, Nintendo Wii and a mess of a few other poorly cared for consoles.
  • CPU – Intel i5-2400
  • GPU – GeForce GTX 1650
  • Case – She’ll get back to you…
  • PSU – Ditto…
  • RAM – As above…

Favorite Games

  • Guitar Hero
  • Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  • Mario Galaxy and Mario Galaxy 2
  • Minecraft
  • Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssey
  • Ori and The Blind Forest
  • Walt Disney World Magical Racing Tour