Dying Light 2 Easter Eggs: All easter eggs so far

Here are the known Dying Light 2 Easter eggs so far.

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If Dying Light 2 is anything like Dying Light 1, then plenty of easter eggs will appear throughout the game. And while that is likely the case, with players able to jump into the game, social media will undoubtedly be filled with easter eggs. One of the places that will pop up the most is in the game’s prologue where you get to grips with the game’s controls. There are plenty of Dying Light 2 easter eggs, with many of them around the same bit.

Here are all the easter eggs we have come across in Dying Light 2 without specifically looking for them, particular through the review period. We will update this article when more players report their findings or if our kind readers donate what they have found.

Dying Light 2 easter eggs – Prologue

At the start of the game, you will go through a tutorial. You will get to grips with the combat and parkour of the game during this. Partway through the very early part of the prologue, you will come into contact with the house that you and Spike visit. Inside, there are several references to Techland’s previous titles.

Who do you Voodo Vinyl – One of the first one’s you come across in the game is the ‘Who do you Voodoo’ vinyl. For those unaware, that is the theme song from Techland’s first zombie RPG, Dead Island. You can find this in a room in the mansion you and Spike go to check out. This prologue appears in the first 15 minutes of the prologue.

Dying Light piano theme tune – This easter egg is in the same room as the Voodoo Vinyl. If you wait around long enough in the room, Spike will get bored and move over to the grand piano in the room. Eventually, he will sit down and start playing the Dying Light theme tune on the piano. You can see this in the first 15 minutes of the prologue.

Crane reference – While you and Spike are walking through the wilderness, you get an atmospheric shot over a valley that nature has reclaimed. Spike says in passing comment about Crane, and he wishes he could see this. Something tells us that Crane is no longer here and that Spike may be sad he isn’t sharing this moment with his running friends after the events of Dying Light 1. Does that mean the viral ending to Dying Light 1’s – The Following is the cannon ending? It implies so, but we still don’t know for certain.

Radio antenna reference – After you claim the night runner sleeping bed in the old mill, you’ll be able to wake up and go out again. Outside of the mill is an old tower. As you walk by it, Aiden says that he is glad he doesn’t have to climb that thing. By now, others games would have had you climb it to find nearby regions – looking at you, Ubisoft. Jokes on Aiden, though, as there is a tower mechanic in the game.

Dying Light 2: Potential COVID easter eggs

After two years of global health recommendations of minimizing COVID-19 spreading, it appears that some of the WHO’s guidance made it in the game. It is genuinely hard to tell if this is a direct reference to COVID-19 or not, but the dates of the game’s fall and our current pandemic period do align. And we are that familiar with COVID rules. It’s genuinely hard not to see the similarities. However, the lore has since redeveloped to include fever elements. So, maybe these references are to the comic series they made as part of the hype for DL2? It is all open to interpretation.

Wash your hands – There are posters throughout the game telling people to wash their hands with other stages. The earliest example is on the Bazaar’s missing person’s board. It is familiar to wash your hands for 20 seconds feature we go through the pandemic. As we know, the THV is not spread through touch, as it is a made-up form of Rabies, as it spreads through transferring bodily fluids, such as saliva and blood. However, one prevention to Rabies is to wash the wound. So there is some scientific logic behind it. In the comic about the Villedor gas, there is evidence that says you can get a fever. So maybe it’s a reference to that comic too?

2-meter distance broadcast – You will head to a GRE facility during one of the main story missions. One of the rooms in the building has a speaker announcement reminding the building to stand two meters apart from each other. Once again, Rabies is not an airborne virus, so a two-meter airborne rule would not apply, in theory. The infected wearing facemasks near the announcement should have probably known that. But, as mentioned, there is a fever aspect in 2025, thanks to the DL2 Villedor gas comic. Maybe it’s a reference to that as well?

Other Dying Light 2 Easter Eggs

Dying Light 2 Space Cock
Meet Steve’s pet chicken.

Space Cock – One popular theory of Dying Light 1 was based on the origins of the THV. Some people believe it came from an asteroid. In contrast, other people seem to think that it could have arrived via an alien spaceship thanks to a submerged UFO in the Following, alongside several crashed UFOs in the Old Town that appeared in 2021. Techland paid tribute to these theories via a side quest called Space Cock, which you can find in the Stronghold at the very late stages of the game. The Space Cock side quest talks more about the Earth’s Apocolypse and why aliens are active around Harran in Dying Light 1. If you want answers to that theory, then we recommend this has a must-complete side quest – We won’t spoil it for you.

The Office references – On Culvert island, you will find a note on the wall which details someone looking for a stapler. This note goes into your collectables tab that you can read yourself. You will also find a bow in the game that has a grip made from a stapler with the description that it proves office workers can survive the apocalypse.

The Hoverboard. – Credit to XGarbett here for this discovery. There are several surfboard pieces scattered around the map. Collecting all the pieces unlocks a hoverboard parkour trial you can go on. We recommend clicking the link to his YouTube channel for a guide on the hoverboard trial.

Chris Redfield – After you complete the Broadcast missions, you get access to a few more side quests back at the PK headquarters. One of the quest asks you to collect some members of the 404 squads who died. One of them is a bloke called Chris, which turns out shares the same name as Chris Redfield, spotted by Gamesspew.

There is a Doom Shotgun in the game. You can go on YouTube videos here to work how to get it and blast zombies away with some incredible sci-fi power.

Flying Broom – Fancy flying around the city like a witch? Well, there is a magical broom you can get in the game. Check out some YouTube videos on the guide. It requires some trickery to get to the point, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

Read more: Dying Light 2 walkthrough.

We will update this article as we find more or more reports of easter eggs are made.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

1 thought on “Dying Light 2 Easter Eggs: All easter eggs so far”

  1. I found a reference to the movie “Up” where an NPC says he used to know an elderly couple in their 80s or 90s named Carl and Ellie and wondering what happened to them.

    I saved the gameplay footage if you want to embed it.


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