How to spectate in Fortnite 2021

Some people just like to watch.

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Younger gamers often wonder how to spectate in Fortnite. This is understandable, as there are always days when people who love video games just want to enjoy the vibe of a game without playing it for themselves. Sure, on those days, a game player could just watch Twitch, but they may also prefer to socialise with a friend playing their favorite game in another location. 

Fortnite Battle Royale usually allows for in-game spectators as part of it’s design, so chatting and spectating remotely is generally an option that is on the table for gamers of all ages, without the need for any extra (and potentially expensive!) technology. 

So how do I spectate a friend in Fortnite?

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Spectating friends has currently been removed from the game in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 1.

If the feature does one day return and you want to spectate a friend, all you’ll need to do is join their lobby. If they’re already in a match, then click ‘Watch Game’ and then you’ll get to spectate. If they’re not in a match yet, then set yourself to “Sitting Out” and click ‘Watch Game’ once the option becomes available. 

This option may take a moment to appear, as spectated games are shown on a delay to prevent things like cheating and stream sniping from the most nefarious players.

Can you spectate strangers on Fortnite?

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Outside of watching games of Fortnite on Amazon‘s Twitch and Google‘s YouTube, the only way we know of to spectate strangers is by getting shot. If you let yourself be eliminated by another combatant, you’ll be able to watch the rest of the Battle Royale match as a spectator instead. We recommend you do this in Solo mode, or you’ll both annoy your team and be at risk of being rebooted!

We hope this guide helped educate you on what spectating options there are in Fortnite. Do you often spectate other players in Fortnite? Let us know in the comments section below.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Vince Pavey

Vince Pavey is a writer from the North-East of England who has worked on comics for The Beano and Doctor Who. He likes to play video games and eat good food. Sometimes he does both at the same time, but he probably shouldn’t.

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