Forza Horizon 5 multiplayer not working: Quick fix

All the quickest methods to fix Forza's annoying multiplayer not working bug

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Forza Horizon 5 is finally here, sparking huge amounts of excitement among fans of the racing simulator franchise. Like most new titles, however, the game is experiencing some annoying bugs that result in the multiplayer mode crashing. Yep, another bug to add to list for Forza Horizon 5.

Fortunately, there are a couple of quick and easy steps that you can take to amend this issue. In this guide we’ll be looking at the best ways to fix the Forza Horizon 5 multiplayer not working issue, getting you back on the track in no time.

Forza Horizon 5 multiplayer not working fix

Like most games that result in crash problems, there are a variety of different reasons why your Forza Horizon 5 multiplayer mode doesn’t work. For that reason, we recommend checking all the below options to get you back up and running.

We’ll start with the most successful and finish with the most obscure:

Make sure your internet connection is working:

Seems a little stupid but, you’d be surprised at how many people think their game is crashing when in reality, they just don’t have internet access right now. That being said, start by checking your internet connection.

If you’re experiencing an unstable internet connection, this can result in your game not working, crashes, and timeouts. Be sure to fix this then move on to the next step.

Check the server status:

It isn’t out of the ordinary to see servers drop out regularly. Take any new game that has an online multiplayer mode, chances are, servers will drop for maintenance every now and again – especially when fixing new bugs. Simply check the status of the server before joining and you could save yourself quite a bit of hassle.

Ensure the game is up to date:

Playing older versions of games often leads to bugs and crashes such as this. While Forza Horizon 5 is a new title, that doesn’t mean there aren’t updates coming out all the time. Make sure your game is up to date to ensure your game runs as smoothly as possible.

Check your firewall settings:

Lastly, make your anti-virus software or Windows firewall isn’t blocking your connection to the online server. This is a fairly common problem in games these days, especially if you have a sensitive anti-virus package.

Make sure you meet the system requirements:

Last but not least, just make sure your system meets the system requirements of the game. While you may think the multiplayer mode is not working, it may just be Forza Horizon 5 crashing on startup. We wrote a quick guide on how to fix that here, so check it out if you’re experiencing similar issues.

Monitor & PC Product Specialist AT WEPC

Charlie Noon

For as long as he can remember, Charlie has always been interested in computers and gaming. It all started with the Sega Mega Drive and then evolved into PC gaming in his early teens. CS 1.6 was his first go at competitive gaming which soon evolved into CS:Source and now CS:GO - a game that he still plays (almost exclusively) today. Throughout that period he has also been a keen PC builder and enthusiast - dedicating a large portion of his time to the craft. My current rig is an ASUS 5700XT with AMD's Ryzen 3600X.

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