Genshin Impact Anemo Traveler

An in-depth guide on how to build Genshin Impact’s protagonist, the Traveler.

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The Traveler is a 5-star Anemo Sword character who specialises as an Anemo Support. Keep reading to find out what materials are needed to Ascend The Traveler, them best builds and an overview of how to use them effectively.

Anemo Traveler Ascension Stat

All characters in Genshin Impact have a particular stat that levels up alongside their base stats. For The Traveler, this extra stat is ATK%. This will help them deal higher DMG overall.

Anemo Traveler Ascension Materials

Once you have obtained The Traveler and maxed them to Level 20, they can be further levelled up through Ascension. The materials you will need to Ascend The Traveler are as follows:

LevelAscension Material
Level 20Brilliant Diamond Sliver x 1
Windwheel Aster x 3
Damaged Mask x 3
Level 40Brilliant Diamond Fragment x 3
Windwheel Aster x 10
Damaged Mask x 15
Level 50Brilliant Diamond Fragment x 6
Windwheel Aster x 20
Stained Mask x 12
Level 60Brilliant Diamond Chunk x 3
Windwheel Aster x 30
Stained Mask x 18
Level 70Brilliant Diamond Chunk x 6
Windwheel Aster x 45
Ominous Mask x 12
Level 80Brilliant Diamond Gemstone x 6
Windwheel Aster x 60
Ominous Mask x 24

Brilliant Diamond Slivers, Fragments, Chunks and Gemstones can be obtained by increasing your Adventure Rank.

Windwheel Aster can be found across Mondstadt. They are mainly located in Stormterrors’s Lair and Windrise.

Damaged Mask, Stained Mask and Ominous Mask can be obtained by defeating Hilichurls, which can be found all over Teyvat.

Anemo Traveler Talent Materials

In order to make The Traveler stronger, you’ll need to upgrade their talents. The materials you will need are as follows:

  • Divining Scroll
  • Sealed Scroll
  • Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • All Mondstadt Talent Books
  • Dvalin’s Sigh

The Mondstadt Talent Books can be obtained daily at the Mondstadt Domain of Mastery. Meanwhile, Dvalin’s Sigh is a potential drop from the Weekly Stormterror Challenge.

Anemo Traveler Best Weapons

As an Anemo Support, the Traveler mainly favours weapons that feature Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery.

Skyward Blade5-star
Favonius Sword4-star
Sacrificial Sword4-star
Festering Desire4-star
Iron Sting4-star
Genshin Impact Anemo Traveler Weapon

Anemo Traveler can make very good use of the Skyward Blade. It has a high Energy Recharge stat to help charge up their Burst on cooldown, which is a great source of Swirl DMG. They can also benefit from Freedom-Sword thanks to its Elemental Mastery substat, as well as its passive which buffs your team when Elemental Reactions are triggered.

Anemo Traveler can use a few 4-star Swords, too. The Favonious Sword will give them plenty of Energy Recharge for their Burst, as well as additional Energy when they score a CRIT hit. Sacrificial Sword also has an Energy Recharge substat, and has a chance to reset their Skill’s CD. Festering Desire is also a great choice thanks to its Energy Recharge substat and its passive which boosts Elemental Skill DMG and Elemental Skill CRIT Rate. Finally, you have to option of using the F2P-friendly Iron Sting, which features an Elemental Mastery substat to increase the DMG of your Swirl reactions.

Anemo Traveler Best Artifacts

Since The Traveler works well as a support, they only really have one Artifact set that you’ll want to use on them: 4-Piece Viridescent Venerer. This set will give you 15% Anemo DMG Bonus which is nice, but the 4-Piece set is the star of the show; it increases your Swirl DMG, which is what you’ll mainly be doing with The Traveler, and it shreds your enemies’ Elemental RES to the Element you Swirl. This essentially means you can decrease your opponent’s RES to the Element of your Main DPS, meaning they will deal a lot more DMG.

For low-level players, 4-Piece Instructor works well until you’re able to get higher level Artifacts.

Genshin Impact Anemo Traveler Artifacts

For your Artifact main stats, you will want to run:

ArtifactMain Stat
SandsElemental Mastery
GobletElemental Mastery / Anemo DMG Bonus
CircletElemental Mastery

With your Goblet, Elemental Mastery is desired over Anemo DMG Bonus – but if you’re struggling to get a good Artifact, Anemo DMG Bonus can work in the meantime. In terms of Artifact substats, you’ll want to focus on Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge, with some ATK% flat ATK. You don’t need to bother with CRIT stats, as Elemental Reactions (such as Swirl) can’t crit.

How to use Anemo Traveler

Their Elemental Skill, Palm Vortex, causes continuous Anemo DMG to opponents in front of you. The vacuum vortex explodes when the skill’s duration ends, causing a greater amount of Anemo DMG over a larger area.

Their Elemental Burst, Gust Surge, summons a forward-moving tornado that pulls objects and opponents towards itself, dealing continuous Anemo DMG.

If you’re still early-game and haven’t received many characters from the gacha, the Anemo Traveler is a great first support. Both their Elemental Skill and Burst provide good Swirling, and paired with 4-Piece VV, they’ll be able to debuff your enemies’ Elemental RES. As an Anemo support, they can fit onto most any team where you need them, and especially pair quite nicely with the other early-game characters: Amber, Kaeya, Lisa and Xiangling.

If you’re a late game player, the Traveler is generally outclassed by other characters such as Sucrose, Venti and Kazuha, who all have better crowd control capabilities and additional utility with their Talents and Constellations. However, if you just want to use them for fun, they are perfectly viable. Their Skill is particularly good at Swirling since it can be held for a short period of time and has a relatively short CD, meaning it can be used semi-frequently. As previously mentioned, the Traveler has a lot of versatility in terms of team comps, and you can slot them into your team when you have a free slot.

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