Halo Infinite Battle Royale – Will 343 introduce the genre-favorite mode?

Is there a Halo Infinite battle royale? Or will we have to hop back into Fortnite and pick up that crossover skin?

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When we think of multiplayer FPS titles today, there’s certainly a stark contrast to what was delivered even a few years ago. The standard map constraints are almost no more and there are modes literally coming out of our ears in an effort to keep players engaged for longer.

While the fan favorites like Call of Duty are still getting the usual traction, even this behemoth has moved away from traditional 5v5 or 6v6 combat, dropping battle royale modes to create more longevity for its titles. While not all games can consider implementing this, those who are, are piggybacking off the success of PUBG and Fortnite and usually, will net themselves some decent cash via in-game skins and battle passes.

Fast forward to now, Halo Infinite multiplayer has dropped early, and with it comes the classic PVP modes and a very Halo-Esque ranked system for those who want more of a challenge. But, with the gaming landscape changing, many have questioned if the arena shooter of old is enough, and if it’ll need the ever-popular battle royale function to keep players coming back.

Will Halo Infinite have a battle royale?

halo infinite battle royale mode

During development, 343 flat out stated that Halo Infinite will not have a battle royale mode and the core arena combat will be the game’s focus. This was a welcomed statement from franchise fans who have stood firm in the anti battle royale camp as it detaches from what Halo is all about. So, at this current moment, there is no battle royale mode in Halo Infinite. But, hold your horses, that could certainly change.

There is a growing number of both players and content creators who are screaming from the hilltops for a battle royale mode to be introduced into the game. Why not have both worlds? The classic arena portion of Halo Infinite is pretty fantastic, and is being well received across the globe, so why not add a battle royale mode a few months in to keep players enticed by that satisfying Halo gameplay that is almost impossible to replicate.

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Not only are there cries for the mode to be introduced, but there have also been leaks to suggest that 343 haven’t been telling the whole truth. The latest from Twitter user @_FireMonkey alludes to some information about the Halo Infinite Death Zone settings which seem to suggest that there is a ‘shrinking’ setting, the very setting that is in all battle royale games. Additionally, there’s a ‘revive allies’ setting which, again, is something that is rife within the battle royale scene, especially in titles like Apex Legends.

Whether you’re a battle royale fan or hate the mode entirely, there’s no question that it has freshened things up for the FPS multiplayer genre and has given the opportunity for fans to get into franchises, usually for free.

Will Halo Infinite get a battle royale mode? Well, it’s 50/50 in our eyes. The above settings suggest that there may be options available to do so but this could be limited to the Forge mode coming in 2022 and is not relating to a specific battle royale setting created by 343 themselves.

All we can do is wait and see if 343 has been trying to keep the secret under wraps and will instead, drop a Halo Infinite battle royale a few months into the game’s lifespan.

Jacob was exposed to a variety of gaming consoles and tech from an early age and has expanded his knowledge to become well-versed in all things PC. He is now a keen technology tinkerer and gaming enthusiast, making him an expert in the overall field.

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