Lost Ark: Daylight Savings Time causes players to miss event spawns

Daylight Savings Time is causing some confusion with Lost Ark players.

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Update: The new weekly patch has somewhat corrected the Daylight saving time issues for Lost Ark. However, there may be a few issues if the user’s PC has different DST settings. Smilegate RPG and Amazon Games are still working on a more permanent feature and it could go live in the near future. You can catch the update from the March 17 update notes.

Lost Ark’s North American players are finding events are not exactly happening when they say they are. That’s because of the Daylight Saving Time that hit the States over the weekend. It seems like the Lost Ark events are not occurring when they should be.

For those who find that the Daylight Savings Time is conflicting with the Lost Ark events, you are going to have to compensate by an hour. The U.S daylight saving time means they are now an hour ahead of themselves. As a result, some of the event spawn times are a little out of whack. If something spawns at 2 PM on a day, then you can assume you’re going to see the event actually kick off at 3 PM. However, that depends on your server time and your actual local time. We advise checking on the information before you go out of your way and potentially miss an island event or a Grand Prix event.

The good news is that the Lost Ark community team are aware of the issue. They have raised this to the development team and are looking into making it reflect the changing times for players. The details come from OminousOnion, a moderator on the Lost Ark forums.

Hopefully, this gets corrected for players in the U.S and those in Oceania. It is inconvenient to miss the actual time a Grand Prix or island event spawns. Moreso, European nations are not long from their daylight savings time updates, clocking in the summer hours. This occurs March 27, so if that point does not address the issue, Europeans are more likely going to experience this issue too.

We recommend taking a closer look at the forums or any announcements on Twitter. That way, you can keep up to date if there is a hotfix that better translates the Daylight Savings time adjustments for server time events. Hopefully, no more Daylight Savings Time issues affect Lost Ark.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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