How to get Minecraft Infinity Enchantment

Do you want to learn the secrets to Minecraft's infinity enchantment?

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With endless possibilities and adventures to be had, Minecraft truly is a magical game. It provides you with a plethora of tools and materials as well as actual magical enchantment. While there are many enchantments a player can utilize, Minecraft’s Infinity enchantment is one of the most useful. It can help a player quickly move through the game as well as making the final boss miles easier.

What Is The Infinity Enchantment?

Infinity is a fantastic enchantment that you can put on your Minecraft bow, which quite literally results in an infinite supply of arrows. And who wouldn’t want an endless stream of unlimited arrows, especially when you consider how time-consuming it is to craft or gather them.

The only catch is that, then you have enchanted your Minecraft bow with the Infinity enchantment, you will still need at least one arrow in your inventory. The arrow will never get consumed as long as you have Infinity equipped, but you will still lose a slot in your inventory.

You can obtain this enchantment for your bow on any console and platform that runs Minecraft, so nobody is missing out!

There is no particular bow that you need to add this enchantment to, you can add it to any bow. However, you can only use this enchantment for regular arrows.

You will not be able to enchant your tipped or spectral arrows, these will still have to be made.

On top of this, you also can’t mix enchantments on your bow, you will only be able to use one on each bow. Despite the listed cons to this enchantment, there are many benefits to its use.

This enchantment isn’t any more difficult than any other enchantment which means it is definitely worth the effort of putting it together.

How To Get Infinity Enchantment

Like most crafting in Minecraft, there are several methods to approach adding the Infinity Enchantment to your bow. Let’s have a look at the various methods here.

Enchanting Table

With any Minecraft enchantment, the Enchanting Table is a go-to method for enchanting any weapon or item. However, it’s definitely worth weighing up all of the following methods, as Infinity is rare, and could take a long time to get through the Enchanting Table.


Craft an Enchanting Table

To craft the table you will need four Obsidian, two Diamonds and one Book.

This will obviously take some time so make sure you have thoroughly explored the Minecraft world and done a generous amount of mining before attempting to craft an Enchanting Table.

Once you have crafted the table, you must then place it in an open area with plenty of room. It will become clear why in the next step.

Craft the enchantment table


Place Bookshelves

Bookshelves may seem like a useless decorative item, but they do serve an important purpose. When placed around the Enchanting Table, the bookshelves allow for stronger buffs to be placed on enchanted objects.

Place bookshelves

In order to craft a bookshelf, you will need six wood planks and three books. You have to place them in the following formation or the crafting will not work.

Place these bookshelves around your enchantment table like in the screenshot above. Make sure to leave one block of space between the enchantment table and each bookshelf. You will also need to leave a space open for yourself to walk through.


You need a total of 15 Bookshelves to acquire the highest level enchantments. If you cannot see level 30 enchantments, you might need to take another look at your Bookshelf layout.


Lapis Lazuli

Next, you will require raw Lapis Lazuli. This can be found underground in mines. It is pretty simple to mine and even a standard wooden pickaxe will be able to do the job.

This resource is very important to mine as it is required in order to be able to enchant items in Minecraft. 

For any enchantment you will require between 1 and 3 pieces of lapis lazuli in order to do the job. The higher level the enchantment, the more Lapis Lazuli you’ll need.

Lapis lazuli


Leveling up

As you play through Minecraft, you will receive experience points (XP). This XP will then add up to levels.

In order to enchant items you need to spend these levels. Depending on the strength of the enchantment, you can spend anywhere between one and three levels. A level 30 enchantment will require you to be at least level 30, but will only take three levels away.

Leveling up


Open your Enchanting Table

Open your Enchanting Table and place the ingredients in the boxes as shown below. On the right-hand side, a list of applicable enchantments will show up. Only three show at a time, so it does require some luck for the Infinity enchantment to appear.Enchanting

If the enchantment you are looking for doesn’t appear, you can enchant something to force them to reset. Either enchant something else, or the item you’re wanting to enchant, then you can remove the enchantment with a Grindstone. We’d recommend trying to find another useful enchantment, though, so you aren’t wasting any resources. Try enchanting a book to use later…

Book and Anvil

For this method, you’ll first need a Book enchanted with Infinity. You may have got this from the Enchanting table method, from Fishing, or from Trading with a Villager.


Craft an Anvil

To craft an Anvil you will need four Iron Ingots and three Iron Blocks. Place these ingredients in the following format. Once you have crafted the anvil, you can place it anywhere you like.

Craft the Anvil


Enchant the Bow

By placing the Bow and the Infinity-enchanted book into the Anvil, you will end up with an Infinity-enchanted Bow.

You will not need any further items such as Lapis Lazuli for this process, but it will use some more of your levels in order to enchant the bow.

Enchant the bow

Using Minecraft commands

If you are struggling to find the resources to enchant, or you simply want a quicker way to obtain the Minecraft Infinity Enchantment, then you can use a command. By using Minecraft console commands, you will end up with an Infinity-Enchanted Bow, but you will no longer earn achievements.


Activate Cheats in the game menu

In order to use commands in Minecraft, you’ll first need to activate the ability. This can be done from the game menu in an existing game, or from the options when you first create your world.

Activate Cheats on Bedrock Edition Minecraft




Type in the command

Once you have cheats activated, hold your bow in your main hand and open the chat box. Once the chat box is open, in either Bedrock or Java Edition, type the command “/enchant @p infinity” as per the image below.


Infinity enchantment command Minecraft Bedrock

You will need to be holding the bow in your main hand or this will not work.

And there you have it, you now have unlimited arrows for your enchanted bow. Have fun breezing through the rest of your game and completing the Minecraft story!

More Minecraft Enchantment guides

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