Is Rainbow Six Extraction a separate game?

The answer will shock and surprise

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Rainbow Six Extraction launches (or at the time of reading this has already launched) and you’re really deep into that Seige hole or have been circling it, but not really a fan of PVP and want to shoot aliens with your buds.

Now, do you have to own a copy of Seige to play Extraction? If you’d asked me the three or four years ago this game was actually announced and not delayed until this very day by a pandemic and the colossal nightmare of inner politics at Ubisoft, I’d probably have said “Yes, you need a copy of Seige.”

However, by the good graces of God and some smart marketing person at Ubisoft, as well as the many developers who might be cradling themselves in a fetal position at the thought of putting PVE into a PVP game, with AI that’s actually smart, as well as entire new mechanics into a game that is now going to be – surprisingly – seven years old when they weren’t there before, you will not need a copy of Rainbow Six Seige to play Extraction.

I repeat for the people glancing over my words: Rainbow Six Extraction is a separate game.

Video game development is excruciating and if Ubisoft’s Seige team were to simply just plop in a PVE mode, it would require extensive rewrites of AI code that I’m just sure they don’t want to do because that’d mean those learning via bots are going to have a bad time and it just becomes a mess. Plus, how are you going to extract cash out of people by limiting it to a game that gives of a menacing stare any time that you so much as look at it the wrong way, if you don’t have a monitor that spits out 360Hz, a mouse with a billion DPI and at least several years playing Counter-Strike or at minimum, Call of Duty’s hardcore modes?

So yes, when the game is out or already out, you can just simply download it and play it.

Guides on Rainbow Extraction:

Freelance Writer AT WEPC

Joel Loynds

A lover of janky games, Magic the Gathering and going down rabbit holes, Joel still finds time to goof off on the internet and trying to not find another new hobby.

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