How to sell Amulets in Weird West

We teach you how to sell amulets in Weird West.

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One of the most unique types of item in the game is the amulets, which is an equipment type that has a variety of passives that can affect your character. However, some are totally not wanted and it is better to sell some amulets in Weird West.

However, there are limited options in selling amulets in Weird West. As it stands in the early launch of the game, the only way to sell amulets in Weird West is via the Wanderers. The Wanderers are a random encounter you get while on the world map. When the event occurs, you can finally sell any unwanted amulets you no longer need or never wanted in the first place.

It is worth mentioning that at the time of writing (patch 1.0.1), the developers, Wolf Eye are considering adding more uses for Amulets, so you don’t have to sell unwanted amulets. At the time of writing, the developers are considering adding in a jewellery shop, to sell your amulets and buy new amulets. In addition, the developers are also considering adding in a feature that prevents items you are using from taking up inventory space. Finally, there is a further consideration for allowing you to modify your posse’s amulets, such as journey characters in your posse, or characters who you recruit along the way.

The methods that are in consideration will help to alleviate some of the reasons why you want to sell amulets in Weird West. For those interested, you can check out the possible updates coming to amulets via the feature upvote page for Weird West. Type in amulets, and see what updates the debs on that front. We figured it was worth mentioning in case you would rather store your amulets in a bank for the future or continue to sell them on your current save.

For more guides, why not check out our Weird West hub, along with reading more links below?

Weird West quest walkthroughs

Weird West feature guides

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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