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iBuyPower RDY SLIIRG201 Gaming PC Giveaway

This giveaway is now over. Check out the winner below!

We’ve got another amazing giveaway for you guys! This time, we’ve teamed up with our friends at iBuyPower to giveaway one of their amazing prebuilt gaming PCs, the iBuyPower RDY SLIIRG201 Gaming PC

iBuyPower Gaming PC Giveaway – AMD 3600 / 1660TI / 16GB DDR4

This prebuilt gaming PC offers great performance, especially for the price. Thanks to the AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU and an MSI VENTUS GeForce GTX 1660 Ti this build can handle almost any game you throw at it, so gaming enthusiasts will love it. 

The full specs are as follows:

[table id=141 /]

The giveaway is open internationally, and there are lots of ways you can boost your chances by completing as many of the entrance tasks as possible. The competition will close on December 13th, and we will get in touch with the winner via email.

Good Luck everyone!

193 thoughts on “iBuyPower RDY SLIIRG201 Gaming PC Giveaway”

  1. Thanks stacks for a great giveaway…..been a long time since I had a rig so there would be a lot of catching up….to name a few……phew so many, including….Wolfenstein, World of Warcraft BFA, FarCry 5 and New Dawn, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Battlefield V, Cyberpunk, Elder Scrolls…..phew again….and thanks again….cheers and beers!!

  2. I would play open world games, retro games there are alot of old skool games i used to play Quake, Half Life, DX Ball.
    It would be nice to finally be able to play games on something other than a turtle, thank you for the chance and good luck to everyone 🙂

  3. The new call of duty,Some final fantasy 14 and some old school games off GOG I’ve missed and need to play/replay (dreamfall,fallout and so on 🙂 )

  4. RDR2, PUBG, COD, Resident Evil 2, Cyberpunk, The SIMS 4 latest expansions, and Planet Zoo are just some of the games I’d love to play if I was lucky enough to win this gaming pc

  5. The first game I would play is The Outer Worlds. It looks like a very fun game. Space Fallout. What else could you want.

  6. I would like to try out Halo and Gears of War if I were to win before my kids take it for themselves. 😁🤞🍀

  7. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway. I would be trying out Red dead redemption 2. I’ve not played it yet, my machine is not good enough.

  8. To change from my potato, I would play Far Cry 5, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey for the names that come to my mind right away.

  9. Definitely Jedi Fallen Order for me.

    I haven’t had a chance to play it at all yet – but I’d bet it’s an even better experience in Ultra!

  10. If i would win this PC i would finally be able to play games because now i can’t because of py PC i have now (i5-2400 using integrated graphics 8 gigs of ddr3 1666mhz)

  11. What a fantastic giveaway! My current PC isn’t powerful enough for most newer games so if I won this I’d have a lot of games to try out.

  12. If I was lucky enough to win this it would be for my teenage son. He likes to play racing and fighting games.

  13. Awesome giveaway guys.. If I win this imma continue creating yt contents and promote the hell out for you guys..

  14. Biomutant That is my #1 game
    on every whare I would like to play that
    also am a member of #wwgiveways one of your telegram channel
    And thank you for the oppurtunity

  15. It would be for my husband the gamer. I honestly am the horrible wife and dont k ow what games he plays. I am usually sleeping when he does his gaming time.

  16. I love FPS game COD is my first choice next a little of racing game NFS, An ancient war the dota2 and little bit of swords fighting for honor. With this specs, I can easy attain a decent setting for 1080p or even at 144p thanks to gtx 1660ti. I’ll use it for photo and video editing and t-shirt designing thanks to the hexacore ryzen. Would love to have it.

  17. Rainbow 6 Siege, mainly
    BR games
    Call of Duty
    and many other games
    I won’t limit my self with few options
    maybe a category FPS

  18. Thanks for the great giveaway and i would probably play some more Destiny 2 and probably some cyberpunk when it comes out

  19. I would be playing again, so at first could be just some NFS races, because my old GT640 + 3th gen i7 isn’t going anywhere these days, later, I might try some things on the Oculus Rift CV1

  20. First game I will play is… ahh, any AAA game for last two years which my current build can run only in 320×200 window. Metro Exodus for example.

  21. Far Cry 5, the new Crash Bandicoot trilogy remaster (I loved those games as a kid), Probably some Planet Coaster and Zoo, No Man’s Sky (I wanna see what the fuss is about), Skyrim and lots of indie titles! and I can finally get back into content creation after financial constraints kept me from being able to replace the PC I used that exploded >.<

  22. Awesome giveaway opportunity.
    I was burgled a little over a year ago and it is taking forever to save up out of my disability pension to replace the missing items (have to replace the most necessary first) and my gaming PC will be one of the last.
    So this is a very opportune giveaway – that is, on the rare chance I win. 🙂
    Silver lining to the black cloud, I have really good friends who lent me an NUC and a SD TV until I get back on my feet (metaphorically speaking).
    So I have a list of games I either want to play or finish.
    Love games like Far Cry (all of them) and Battlefield (All of them to), so I will be finishing both Far Cry 5 and playing the new expansion pack for Battlefield V (the pacific one).
    Thanks for this and good luck to all. 🙂

  23. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I would play Overwatch, The Division 2, Killing Floor, Killing Floor 2, CS:GO, COD: Modern Warfare, BFV, and any other future game releases. This PC would replace my main gaming PC if I won 😀 Thanks!

  24. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I would play World of Warcraft BFA, FarCry 5 and New Dawn, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Overwatch, Metro Exodus, Battlefield V. In the future when they are released I would include Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk 2077! 🙂

  25. I have 100 plus games on my Steam account that I would finally play, but I will definitely start by finally finishing Half Life 2 Ep 2, which my current system just refuses to let me run without crashing.

  26. Thanks for the chance! Hopefully be playing Star Wars Fallen Order! (although my 2010 laptop means I have ~6-7 years of games to catch up with first)

  27. … Definitely looking forward to playing Cyberpunk 2077 once it’s out. But I RDR2 would look good on this as well.

  28. I’m not sure what the latest games are out but I’m sure my kids won’t have problem finding some games to play on this beautiful computer.

    • I would play Final Fantasy 7 remake, Resident Evil and any FF series and Soul Calibur series if i won. Thanks for the opportunity good luck everyone.


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