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XCOM 2, Bioshock, And Borderlands All Coming To Switch

Announced in todays surprise Nintendo Direct Mini, the fan favourite series Xcom, Borderlands and Bioshock will be headed to Nintendo Switch for the first time ever in the games history!

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection collects both Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel in one package, as well as bonus content for both titles which collectively adds around 100+ hours of gameplay to the two games.

Borderlands has been a massively popular franchise across all the other gaming platforms for a long time, and its finally Nintendo’s turn to get in on the action, with Switch owners able to play in the world of Pandora alongside three of their friends for the first time on the 29th of May 2020.

Full of insane weapons, characters and locations, this mish mash of RPG/FPS action is not to be missed, so if you never experienced the weird, off kilter and often weird world of Borderlands then be sure to check it out when it releases in May.

For those players more interested in a serious title, then they may be interested to learn that Bioshock: The Collection will also be launching on Nintendo Switch on the 29th of May, alongside Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.

Just like Borderlands, Bioshock has never appeared on Nintendo consoles before, and the award winning series now has an entirely new audience to expose to its dark, nightmarish and dystopian view on alternate realities.

Bioshock: The Collection includes (as you might expect) Bioshock Remastered, Bioshock 2 Remastered and Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition, making it the ultimate package to pick up if you feel like immersing yourself in some genre bending FPS action that takes place amongst the seas, in the clouds and all with the help of lauded storytelling.

XCOM 2 is a departure from the FPS action that takes place in the Bioshock and Borderlands world, but is no less popular for it. A deeply addictive strategy giant, players will find themselves fighting off alien overlords that took over earth as the head of a guerrilla force.

The XCOM 2 collection also launches on Switch on the 29th of May, and will come complete with four DLC packs that make this one of the most attractive game launches in coming months.

In fact, all three of these releases should be highlights in any gamers calendar, especially if they have never played Borderlands, XCOM or Bioshock before. What do you think of the announcement? Hoping that a different series gets ported to the Switch in the future, but haven’t seen any announcements yet? Let us know in the comments below!

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