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Friday Freebie 17th July: Torchlight II & Hyper Scape

Every weekend we highlight games that you can play for completely free over the weekend, whether that’s as part of a temporary giveaway, an interesting new F2P game, free weekends, or any other kind of way to play something for free. This is a great way to find free things to play on your gaming PC without having to pay up.

First stop this week is the Epic Games Store, where they are giving away:

Torchlight 2

Head over to Epic Game Store to grab yourself a copy of Torchlight 2 for completely free, yours to keep as long as you add it to your account before the end of this promotion.

Some curious timing on this one, as Torchlight 2 is going free on the Epic Game Store, just as the third game in the series releases via Early Access on Steam. Perhaps they’re hoping that players will try the second game for free, then if they like it take a chance on paying out for the sequel.

This is a dungeon-crawling action RPG, very much in the vein of something like Diablo, with lots of loot to collect and enemies to click on until they die. For the second entry, they expanded the multiplayer options to include online and local network play, more robust mod support, and an overworld area to explore outside of dungeons.

Hyper Scape

Ubisoft’s first foray into the world of Battle Royale shooters is currently in Open Beta, and you can grab it for free from here. It’s not exactly clear how long this Open Beta will run for, but Hyper Scape is being released as free to play even beyond the beta. Expect a few teething problems going in, since this isn’t quite ready for full release yet.

Hyper Scape is entering a crowded field, with loads of Battle Royale games vying for players’ attention. Games like Fortnite, PUBG, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty: Warzone are somewhat dominating the market, and it’s going to be tough for Ubisoft to break-in after all these other games have become so entrenched. I guess Ubisoft is hoping the unique aesthetic, the crazy abilities, and the slick presentation will help elevate Hyper Scape, but we’re going to have to wait and see how well it resonates with players at large.

Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War is also getting in on the freebie action this weekend, with Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War available for completely free in this time-limited giveaway. This is an older game, so you’ll be able to run it on basically any system. Like all games from, it’s completely DRM free. This will nicely complement the Humble Warhammer Bundle that’s currently running, too.

Will you be grabbing any of these free titles? Let us know how you get on with them.

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