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MSI Extends Product Warranties Due to Coronavirus

MSI has announced that they will be offering a free two-month warranty extension for eligible products. This will apply to any customer with an eligible product if the warranty is due to expire this month. 

The reason behind this is the recent coronavirus outbreak which will mean that a lot of people won’t be able to return products or request repairs if they’re ill. MSI said in a recent statement:

“The coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has taken the world by surprise with its infectiousness. Due to this outbreak, life has been disrupted in many parts of the world, and fresh cases and tragic deaths are being reported with every passing day.

“MSI remains committed to our mission of putting our customers first. In light of the health concerns surrounding coronavirus across the globe, we want to ensure that our valued customers don’t have to worry about anything other than their health and safety.”

While we’re not sure how much the coronavirus has impacted customer support at MSI so far, it will be a welcome relief for those who needed to return items this month. Whether other tech companies will follow suit is uncertain.

What Is Included In The Extended Warranty?

There are some exceptions to this warranty extension of course. Graphics cards are unfortunately not included. This extended warranty only covers monitors, desktop PCs, all-in-one computers, motherboards, PC cabinets, and cases.

Who Qualifies For The Extended Warranty?

Products eligible for the extended warranty must have a warranty that is set to expire this month and is also included in the list of eligible products outlined above.

This new rule applies to customers in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea,  Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Those living in China already benefit from being part of an extended warranty program so aren’t included in the list above.

In order to qualify for the extended warranty, you must also be enrolled in the MSI Rewards Program. Fortunately, this is free to join but it’s an important step to remember if you want to be eligible for a longer warranty.

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