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Tactical Shooter Nine To Five Is Now Looking For Alpha Testers

Nine to Five is a tactical shooter put out by Redhill Games, who announced the game last year at The Game Awards. Now, the studio has taken a big step forward in terms of putting the game out into the public domain with a brand new trailer, which showcases some of the different gameplay elements ingrained in this new shooter.

Players will be able to place barricades throughout the map to make things more difficult for other teams, who all the while will be trying to complete objectives that run in direct opposition to your own goals. In the trailer shown today, a clear emphasis was put on the importance of intelligence in the game, and the gameplay itself had a very Rainbow Six Siege feel to it, with the clearing of a building alongside a smaller team complete with gadgets like motion sensors very reminiscent of the popular tactical shooter.

That being said, some of the more ‘out there’ aspects that are present in Rainbow Six aren’t in this game, with the priority being team-based play within a map that allows for the phased development of a multiplayer match to take place – objectives develop and evolve in stages, with the progression of each stage directly affecting the next. Don’t expect long, drawn-out sessions though, as these matches are all set to take place in around 15 minutes – so that focus on team-based gameplay could be vital if you want to cinch the win.

Luckily, if you want to try the game for yourself you won’t have to wait too long – there will be a closed alpha gameplay test available on the 4th of June, which the developers of the game have pragmatically prefaced by saying that ‘there will be a lot of rough edges’ that they are planning to smooth out with community engagement from day one.

If you are interested in joining up to the closed alpha test you can register or learn more at

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