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Wrath: Aeon Of Ruin’s Roadmap Shows Release Delay

Wrath: Aeon of Ruin has been highly anticipated for a while now. People quickly picked up on the fact that this is a Quake-style retro shooter which is something we haven’t seen a lot of the last few years. From what we’ve seen so far in the early access, Wrath: Aeon of Ruin promises fast-paced, gore-filled action and an old-school aesthetic.

However, it looks like you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get your hands on this title as the developers “want the game to be in a perfect state” before its final release.

When Will We See the Final Release?

The recently released roadmap might have disappointed some with the delayed release date, but it also has some good news as well.

We can see from the roadmap that the full release is planned to land on February 25th, 2021, and will include three hub worlds, 15 levels, 10 artifacts, 9 weapons and 15 enemies and bosses. On top of this, there will also be full mod support and multiplayer. This definitely sounds like a full, finished release and is good news for those who hate buying unfinished games.

Additional Content Still Coming

Before we see the final release, we will also be able to play around with some new content that is being added to the game. The second major content update has just landed and includes a new level, a new enemy type and a new weapon to kill it with. The new level is a lava-filled area which is home to an extinct religious sect.

There will also be a “big content surprise” that will land sometime in August, but of course, we haven’t got a clue what’s going to be in that. What we do know is that there will be a third content update on December 22nd which promises another new level, enemy type, and artifact for now. It looks like there’s going to be loads to get stuck into when this game officially releases.

All-In With the Retro Styling

With the developers of this title also creating legendary titles such as Duke Nukem, Max Payne, and Wolfenstein 3D, we’re glad they are embracing a retro aesthetic that really gives us a hit of nostalgia.

There will be a limited “Founders Edition Big Box” for this game which will even feature a CD-ROM copy of the game as well as a host of artwork, a USB drive, the official soundtrack, figurines, a poster, and some stickers. This is available to preorder for $100 but there are only 500 being made, so you’ll have to move quickly if this is something you want.

Are you excited to jump into some old school shoot ‘em up action? Do you think this will scratch the same itch that Quake used to? Let us know down in the comments section below. We’ll be sure to update you on any additional news about Wrath: Aeon of Ruin’s release when we find out.

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