Battlefield 2042 Portal Editor: What is it and how to use it?

We walk you through how to use the Battlefield 2042 Portal Editor

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The Battlefield 2042 Portal Editor is now live, allowing players the opportunity to create their own rules. You can get involved with the customs rules for Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and Battlefield 3, as part of the Battlefield 2042 experience.

How to get the Battlefield 2042 Portal Editor?

The Battlefield 2042 Portal Editor is an online web application that allows players to modify some of the oldest and popular games in the series. You can modify the games’ play, including maps from these different tiles, weapons, vehicles, and more.

Before you get round to complete editing your own custom game, you need to select the mode. The options you can edit is the Rush, Conquest, Conquest Large, Team Deathmatch and Free For All game modes. You can select which version you want to edit when you open up the Battlefield 2042 Portal Editor on the BF website (follow the link to get to it). Remember to log into the website so you can save your work for your BF games.

What can you change in the Battlefield 2042 Portal Mode?

There is quite a lot you can edit in the Battlefield 2042 Portal Editor. Firstly, you can edit the map rotation. This is a rather basic feature that is self-explanatory. Anyone who has ever rented a server on any Battlefield game will find this feels familiar. After that, the game will ask you the core game rules. This option features how many human players you want in your game and how the team distribution of those players works. You can also edit the respawn rules, reinforcement rules, and squad limit rules.

Once the core game rules are sorted, you are then directed to the gameplay modifiers. The gameplay modifiers include how the game actually plays. For example, you can increase the travel time of bullets and modify the damage you deal. You can also enable extreme weather events, which, in theory, means you can get tornados spawning on classic maps? You can also edit stationary map spawn weapons and the classic squad loadout vs Specialist options.

The soldier set offers players the option to modify how boots on the ground operate. You can enable or disable options like toggle, sprint, strafe, ADS, health regen and player health and more. These settings affect the way the game’s AI work too, modifying AI toggle, Prione, etc and more in a separate AI category. There is an option to edit Vehicles too. You can change the way vehicles spawn in, along with how long before they can respawn,  including health modifiers, and a setting that determines whether you can exit a vehicle or not, which makes it very interesting for quad bike riders.

For players out there that love the Hardcore style of gameplay, you can create that if you wish. You can turn off plenty of elements on the UI, including the compass, ally identification, pinging, HUD toggle, the minimap and more.

And then, there are team modifiers. It appears you can select how the teams work. So, in theory, you can have the WW2 boys scrapping against the modern-day BF3 boys in some sort of time machine war if you wanted. Oh, and if you edit how the teams work, you can modify the weapons those teams get access to, along with the vehicles, gadgets, attachments, and characters. 

Lastly, a Rules Editor option is only available on Team Death Match and FFA. It means you can essentially code your own gamemodes if you have a mega mind. 

Gameplay Ideas

All in all, there’s a hell of a lot of options you can change. Have you got any ideas on what custom games you want? We are thinking of a giant sumo match, with knife kills only and enhanced player health to create some dirty close range deathmatches. Or, how about a sniping only hitscan battle? Select snipers only for every team and increase the bullet travel speed to max and only allow one 12 sniper scope attachment. May the best quick scoper win.

If you have a custom game that you really love, you can generate a code that allows you to share it with a friend. Simply save the game rules and then press the show code button at the bottom right of the screen.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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