Battlefield 2042 Season One Delayed until Summer 2022

A Slow Start

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It’s been a rough time for Battlefield 2042. Far from returning the franchise to greatness, the game has been beset with issues on all sides, leading to an overwhelmingly negative fan reaction. And it seems as though the developers have taken notice. BattleField 2042’s first season has now been delayed until the summer. This is reportedly so that developers at DICE can focus on responding to issues and complaints fans have had with the game since launch.

Not up to standard

Battlefield 2042’s first season was reportedly intended to launch in March. In a statement published on the EA website, Senior Producer Ryan McArthur states “Today we are stating our team’s commitment to bring the game up to the highest standards that we all hold for the franchise.” “We’ve had to make some big decisions to ensure that our next set of updates can be focused on delivering these improvements, with the most substantial one being to move the release date of our first Season to early Summer. This decision gives us the time to focus on improving the Battlefield 2042 experience while finalizing the development of our seasonal content to ensure that it all reaches our standard for quality.”

The Battlefield 2042 developers will first be focusing on key features currently absent from the game: voice chat and player profiles. As well as this, much effort will be put into establishing a leaderboard system, following fan outcry. They also are hoping to show greater transparency moving forward, implementing a feedback system to specifically target and work on areas players feel are lacking.

While areas of the game need work, this is a blow for players that already bought the season pass and had expected their content to arrive on time. DICE are looking to offer legendary skins as an apology while the improvements are being worked on.

Battlefield Reborn

It makes sense that DICE would want to make sure everything is in relatively working order before the first season’s launch. If they take extra time to sure up the game’s fundamentals, they can hopefully ride the launch’s momentum into a turnaround success story. But it remains to be seen whether Battlefield 2042 will remain viable at that point. Season one’s eventual launch will no doubt cause a large chunk of the lapsed playerbase to return. But if most of the issues they had with the game are still in place at that point, then it might be the final straw.

And six months is a long time for fans to wait without content. Fixes to deficiencies are all well and good. But with nothing to keep fans’ attention beyond the existing content, Battlefield 2042 may been in a significantly diminished state of popularity by the time its first season even gets started. Hopefully the six month gap will give DICE enough time to get the game in working order, and deliver the Battlefield experience that fans crave.

Writer AT WEPC

Jack Bye

Growing up in a small village, Jack would like to credit videogames with expanding his horizons and opening him up to the possibilities of adventure… even if they initially led to a lot of time sat around in his room, puzzling out the labyrinthine rules of hastily translated RPGs. In addition to covering video game news, Jack is a writer of both short and long-form fiction and is steadily branching out into comics and digital media. He is never happier than when collaborating on a creative project or uncovering some pivotal lore detail in a lovingly-crafted digital world.

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