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Jack Bye


About Jack Bye

Growing up in a small village, Jack would like to credit videogames with expanding his horizons and opening him up to the possibilities of adventure… even if they initially led to a lot of time sat around in his room, puzzling out the labyrinthine rules of hastily translated RPGs. In addition to covering video game news, Jack is a writer of both short and long-form fiction and is steadily branching out into comics and digital media. He is never happier than when collaborating on a creative project or uncovering some pivotal lore detail in a lovingly-crafted digital world.
Jack was only dimly aware of videogames when he was first gifted a Game boy Colour and Pokemon Red for his fifth birthday. In addition to a whole dizzying world of entertainment, he was immediately introduced to decision paralysis, restarting the game half a dozen times to choose a different starter. His dad eventually took the game from him and picked Bulbasaur, and that was that. When asked what his biggest dream was in his first year of primary school, his response was ‘to beat the Pokemon league.’ Whoever says you can’t achieve your goals?

Favourite games

  • Outer Wilds
  • Skies of Arcadia Legends
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  • Persona 4
  • Transistor
  • Control
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  • The World Ends with You