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Madison Blue Knees trailer at IGN Expo

Madison's first-person horror will chill you in just over a month...

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First-person horror is having a moment. After the overwhelming outcry surrounding the cancelling of Kojima and Del Toro’s Silent Hills, horror titles that drop you in the protagonist’s perspective have seen a real resurgence. From Resident Evil Village through to any number of indie titles, developers seem to be reveling in the chance let horror get up close and personal. Anticipated upcoming game Madison is following this trend, and looks to be sticking even closer to the P.T mould than most.


Along with camera-based gameplay reminiscent of the classic Fatal Frame series, Madison seems to be including with elements that draw on an escape room influence. It seems like an intriguing combo, and along with a hugely atmospheric setting, Madison could be a huge hit with horror fans when it launches next month. Check out the new trailer for yourself below:

Madison is set to launch on July 8th 2022.