Does Ghostwire: Tokyo have New Game Plus?

The answer is more complex than you might have expected

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Many games these days come with a New Game Plus mode. These modes allow you to replay a game’s story from scratch, while keeping most of the powers and equipment you unlocked during your first playthrough. Unfortunately, Ghostwire Tokyo does not have a typical New Game Plus. But that isn’t to say that it is lacking replayability altogether. Ghostwire Tokyo’s approach to New Game Plus is somewhat unsual, and we’ll explain how it works right here.

Ghostwire Tokyo: New Game Plus skill points

For players that aren’t especially focused on completionism, Ghostwire Tokyo can be a relatively short game to complete. Focusing solely on the main story will allow players to complete the game in less than ten hours. So it won’t be long before people are ready to play through a second time. Sadly, players that are hoping to keep their accumulated skill points will be out of luck. Skill points are not retained in a second playthrough, meaning that players will need to go through the process of collecting spirits again in order to make the most out of their abilities. This may be a point of contention for some, as our review noted that spirit collecting can become tedious over time.

New Game Plus difficulty

It can be fun to stampede through previously difficult sections of a game with all the tools you have in your belt by campaign’s end. And some players want to be able to experience a game’s story again, without losing all the character progress they made the first time around.

While many New Game Plus modes offer a bump in difficulty to ensure that there is still some challenge for returning players, this feature unfortunately does not exist in Ghostwire Tokyo. As such, it is best for returning players that still want to be challenged to manually choose a higher difficulty setting for their second playthrough.

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So what DOES Ghostwire Tokyo let you keep in to a second playthrough? Well, instead of mechanical upgrades, the game mostly lets you keep your bonus and cosmetic unlockables. You retain access to the majority of your outfits, emotes, camera filters and music tracks. So while you’ll be starting again from scratch in terms of upgrades, at least you’ll be looking stylish from minute one. And at the very least, you are able to keep your Transmission Beads, which allow you to cash in spirits from anywhere, regardless of if you are near a phonebox or not.

This concludes our guide to Ghostwire Tokyo’s New Game Plus mode. If you liked this, why not check out our Ghostwire Tokyo hub for more guides?

Writer AT WEPC

Jack Bye

Growing up in a small village, Jack would like to credit videogames with expanding his horizons and opening him up to the possibilities of adventure… even if they initially led to a lot of time sat around in his room, puzzling out the labyrinthine rules of hastily translated RPGs. In addition to covering video game news, Jack is a writer of both short and long-form fiction and is steadily branching out into comics and digital media. He is never happier than when collaborating on a creative project or uncovering some pivotal lore detail in a lovingly-crafted digital world.

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