Fix Battlefield 2042 DirectX error

A hugely annoying error that's still stopping some people even getting into the game. Let's see if we can fix it up

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We love it when a bug that was in a beta makes it into the final game and is still causing problems. This is what seems to be the issue for Battlefield 2042 players who are encountering a game-breaking issue when trying to run the game which has just been released on early access today.

Battlefield 2042 DirectX Error Message

If you are getting the DirectX error message stopping you from getting into the game then that is going to be a pretty annoying way to start your Early Access time. Despite being in the beta as well EA hasn’t yet spoken about the error, let alone provided a fix. but there are a few things we can at least try while they work out the issue.

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How to fix Battlefield 2042 DirectX Error

It seems the DirectX error is directly related to your video card – either not being up to date, DirectX not being up to date, or even trying to play the game on unsupported hardware.

Make sure your graphics card driver is completely up to date. It’s not always the first thing you think of to keep updated but it’s important to rule it if nothing else.

This is easily done via the GeForce Experience app if you are using an Nvidia card.

There are a few things suggested by users across the internet such as making sure your Visual Studio install is up to date, but we don’t really think that this should have much of an impact here.

Next, try disabling Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling

Hit your Start button and do a quick search for Graphics Settings. Once there select Change default graphics settings and turn off the Hardware accelerated GPU settings.

Hopefully, this will work for you while we await a proper fix. If not, your last resort is to uninstall and try and reinstall and hope that any needed updates that didn’t apply first time kick in.

Good luck

Editor - Gaming AT WEPC

Paul McNally

Paul has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision. He spent over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title. Has written gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian Playstation Magazine, PlayStation Pro, Amiga Action, Mega Action, ST Action, GQ, Loaded, and the Daily Mirror. Former champion shoot 'em-up legend

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