Battlefield 2042 Screen Adjustment – Workaround for missing option on consoles

Oh Battlefield, we wanted to love you but you just aren’t ready for prime time yet and the only people suffering are the players. Which is obviously rubbish.

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On Call of Duty: Vanguard we were missing a pause option in single-player, here in Battlefield 2042 on Xbox and PS 4/5 we can’t adjust the screen, meaning if the overscan on our TV and monitor is off, well that part of the action is happening off-screen, which at best is irritating, and at worst, infuriating.

The weird thing is screen adjustment settings and the ability to move your HUD to where it needed to be were present in the Beta but have mysteriously vanished in the release which kinda makes us think it’s probably a bug, or at the very least is bugged so has temporarily been removed.

Players are hoping this will get patched in in one of the two patches we are promised within the next month, and surely it will be, but for now, we are left with a couple of internet workarounds if you are struggling.

Bear in mind, this certainly doesn’t affect everybody but we have seen complaints online that up to an inch each side can be missing on some 55” TVs so you may find the issue is confined to certain panels or brands.

Battlefield 2042 beta controller not working

How to adjust Battlefield 2042 screen on Xbox

It seems some users on Reddit have found that by going into settings and heading into the Display tab that you then need to change the settings to 4K UHD if it isn’t already. It could be as simple as a wrong setting at console level that isn’t being passed correctly to the code.

How to adjust Battlefield 2042 screen on PlayStation

As there is nothing in-game to make the adjustments, this means you will need to make them in your console’s settings. The issue with this is that they will affect other games that you play until you change them back, so it all depends on a) whether you can be bothered and b) whether you can live with the bug until it gets patched.

If you simply can’t then Open your Settings on the PlayStation, Go to Sound and Video (PlayStation 5), or Sound and Screen (PS4).

Select Screen / Display Area Settings and adjust your display accordingly. Remember though, you will need to change it back.

We will update this page when we get more information about the inevitable fix.

Editor - Gaming AT WEPC

Paul McNally

Paul has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision. He spent over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title. Has written gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian Playstation Magazine, PlayStation Pro, Amiga Action, Mega Action, ST Action, GQ, Loaded, and the Daily Mirror. Former champion shoot 'em-up legend

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