Dying Light 2 difficulty guide: How challenging is Dying Light 2?

Here is a look at the Dying Light 2 difficulty settings.

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Dying Light 2 has a lot of content, but some pieces are easy, while others are challenging. If you fancied yourself a greater or easier challenge, several difficulty settings tweak your experience. Here is everything you need to know about the Dying Light 2 difficulty setting.

Dying Light 2 Difficulty settings

Starting a save presents you with three difficulty options in Dying Light 2. These are easy, medium, and hard. Easy is as you can imagine, supplies are plenty, you take less damage, and enemies have lower HP. On the other hand, medium is more balanced, and enemies and yourself are more relative to each other. Moreso, loot becomes more scarce. Hard is even worse, with the strength of enemies outmatching yours. In addition, there is even less loot to salvage and scavenge.

On the medium and hard difficulties, you’re going to rely on grabbing more inhibitors to contend the hard parts of the game. It means that you’re going to have to brave the night, and try and get some inhibitors from GRE open-world objectives. We recommend checking out our guides on how to beat the Revenant and Volatiles to compensate for your newfound challenges.

In addition, there are multiplayer settings. If you want the hardest experience, we recommend making the save single player. That way, your friends cannot join you, and you are not tempted by the Call for Help mechanic, which allows players to find your lobby through the game’s matchmaking. If you’re not too bothered, keep your game open so players can join you at will, or set it to private and have your friends join you for some friendly coop gameplay.

It is worth mentioning that you can modify your Dying Light 2 difficulty setting while in the game. If you head over the settings of your game, you can change the game’s difficulty, and the multiplayer settings of your save. 

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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