FIFA 22 TOTY 12th man and SBC leaks appear before the new Friday event

There are certainly a lot of FUT TOTY leaks knocking around at the minute.

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It is that time of the week again where FIFA 22 leaks begin to emerge ahead of the new Friday event. There is a bucket load of leaks at the minute, all featured around the FIFA 22 TOTY 12th man, along with general FIFA 22 TOTY SBC leaks. However, the dates of these FIFA 22 leak additions are not entirely clear. Here is the speculation on all the new FIFA 22 leaks we can expect.

FIFA 22 12th man voting

Update: It appears a leak has locked in Christiano Ronaldo as the FIFA 22 TOTY 12th man. It comes with full stats and artwork for the card. EA Sports is yet to confirm, as we will likely need to wait until the full TOTY packs get released later today or at 18:00 GMT on the 28.

The 12th man vote is something that is becoming a tradition in the FIFA titles. For the last year or so, the FIFA 22 TOTY award has come with another vote that players can participate on the FIFA 22 web app or another online portal. This is to give a few other stars the chance to make it to the TOTY, in a last chance type of vote. According to the FIFA 22 12th man leaks, we will get to vote on the following players:

  • Salah
  • Ronaldo
  • Benzema

As you can see, this is a very hard vote to make, with all these players having huge star power behind them. However, others are predicting there might be five, such as Hamz FUT. If this is true, which one of these five will you vote to be the FIFA 22 12th man? Oh, and it seems more than likely that the voting period will go live as the FIFA TOTY event goes live on January 21.

FIFA 22 TOTY SBC leaks

The leaks for the FIFA 22 TOTY SBCs are all over the place. However, many leakers seem to share the opinion on Harry Kane’s ‘18 TOTY flashback. This is supposed to be the first SBC of the FIFA 22 TOTY content, which may appear on January 21. In addition, there appears to be a leak indication of another flashback, such as Varane, who will get a big upgrade as Kane did, but the actual information appears not to be known.

In addition, FUT Sheriff and Mitch Leaks collab on a Lucas Paqueta. In addition, there seems to be Dest leak from TrustFUTrader.

All in all, there seems to be a lot going on with the upcoming FIFA 22 TOTY leaks. We will likely find out what the situations and circumstances are for the next few Fridays coming up.

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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