Ghostwire Tokyo Jizo Statues: Location and function guide

Here is everything you need to know about Ghostwire Tokyo's Jizo Shrine locations and functionality

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Ghostwire Tokyo had quite a few collectables you can get your hands on in the game. One of the most important parts of the collectables is Jizo statues, which increase each spells’ ammo count. Visiting these statues are a critical part of the game’s progression, as it means you can make fighting elite monsters and boss battles in the game much easier on yourself. Here is everything you need to know regarding the Ghostwire Tokayo Jizo Shrine locations and purpose.

What are Jizo Statues

Jizo statues are an important part of player progression and we highly recommend them as a general tip. Throughout the open world, you will find 52 different statues, each with a different color. Each color represents the different spell you are about to upgrade. Green statues increase your ammo count for your green spells by one, as do blue and red. All you need to do is interact with the statue the first time and you automatically get the ammo increase. 

In addition, Ghostwire Tokyo’s Jizo statues are not particularly hard to find as they are always on the surface level of Tokyo. You can use your spirit senses to detect if they are nearby by their lower pitch bell sound when using Spirit Sense.  Not to mention their blue outline is fairly distinct. Also, you can easily come across these Jizo Statues when you done 500 currency to an Offering Box and select either find what you’re looking for, or the Jirzo Statues option. On some occasions, dogs in the open world may lead you to the locations of Statues, or perhaps find you Relics. Here is an example of a dog that lead us to one, being worshipped at by two schoolboy ghosts.

Ghostwire Tokyo Jizo Statue Locations

Instead of going out in the world and spending time looking for them yourself, we have done that for you. Below are the images, which represent the positions of the Ghost wire Jizo Statue locations. We recommend following this guide once you’re on Chapter 4 of the game, as that is when you will have unlocked most of the map, allowing you to go ahead and collect all the collectables in the game at your pace. You can find the images in order of the top of the map to the bottom.

Ghostwire Tokyo Jizo Shrine 1
Ghostwire Tokyo Jizo Shrine 2
Ghostwire Tokyo Jizo Shrine 3

Some of these are fairly straightforward where they say they are on the map. However, some may be tucked behind boxes, hallways, or you may have to fight some enemies. Keep this in mind if some feel a little tricky or challenging.

This concludes the Ghostwrite Tokyo Jizo Statues locations guide. If you liked this, why not check out our Ghostwire Tokyo hub for more guides?

Staff Writer AT WEPC

Craig Robinson

Craig has spent several years in esports. He began his journey as a volunteer, writing about games he loved whilst studying at University. Upon graduating, he worked as a freelance writer, talking about esports and gaming for several years before landing in WePC's gaming section.

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